Trump-Appointed Federal Judge in Pennsylvania Rules Undated Mail-In Ballots Can Be Counted in 2024 Election

Anything goes.

U.S. District Judge Susan Paradise Baxter ruled on Tuesday that county boards of election may no longer reject mail ballots that lack accurate, handwritten dates on their return envelopes.

Judge Paradise Baxter was appointed by Donald J. Trump. So who was pushing this clown?

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US District Court Judge Susan Paradise Baxter

George Behizy added, “This is yet another example of the Federal government telling a state how to run its elections. The power to oversee elections clearly belongs to state legislatures, not Federal courts, “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof” Article 1 Section 4 Clause 1.”

The AP reported:

Mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania without accurate handwritten dates on their exterior envelopes must still be counted if they are received in time, a judge ruled Tuesday, concluding that rejecting such ballots violates federal civil rights law.

The decision has implications for the 2024 presidential election in a key battleground state where Democrats have been far more likely to vote by mail than Republicans.

In the latest lawsuit filed over a 2019 state voting law, U.S. District Judge Susan Paradise Baxter ruled that county boards of election may no longer reject mail ballots that lack accurate, handwritten dates on their return envelopes. Baxter said the date — which is required by state law — is irrelevant in helping elections officials decide whether the ballot was received in time or whether the voter is qualified to cast a ballot.

The GOP has repeatedly fought in court to get such ballots thrown out, part of a campaign to invalidate mail-in ballots and mail-in voting in Pennsylvania after then-President Donald Trump baselessly claimed in 2020 that mail balloting was rife with fraud.

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