French business erupts in fury against “disastrous” François Hollande

France is sliding into a grave economic crisis and risks a full-blown “hurricane” as investors flee rocketing tax rates, the country’s business federation has warned. The situation is very serious. Some business leaders are in a state of quasi-panic,” said Laurence Parisot, head of employers’ group MEDEF. “The pace of bankruptcies has accelerated over the […]

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Debate: Biden loses it

This evening, vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) took on Vice President Joe Biden in a wide-ranging debate covering everything from Libya and Iran to the economy. Biden’s demeanor was the story of the evening: smirking, laughing, snorting, shaking his head. The strategy seems to have been to laugh off America’s problems, since the […]

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Restaurant Food Ice Dirtier Than Toilet Water

Jeremy Roberts never expected his award-winning middle school science project to get so much attention. But the project produced some disturbing results: ice from fast food restaurants was dirtier than toilet water. The 13-year-old collected ice samples from five restaurants in Florida — from both self-serve machines inside the restaurant and from drive-thru windows. He […]

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Afterlife exists says top brain surgeon

A prominent scientist who had previously dismissed the possibility of the afterlife says he has reconsidered his belief after experiencing an out of body experience which has convinced him that heaven exists. Dr Eben Alexander, a Harvard-educated neurosurgeon, fell into a coma for seven days in 2008 after contracting meningitis. During his illness Dr Alexander […]

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