Dukes of Hazzard Falls Prey to Sick Flag Hysteria!

By John W Lillpop While PC-driven lunatics work overtime to erase or distort the history and culture of the American South— and hypocritically do so in the name of tolerance, diversity, and acceptance!— some southern remembrances will always be cherished, and will surely withstand the venom, hate and vile! One excellent example is the television […]

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A Template for Ignoring Law: Follow Obama Example!

By John W Lillpop As the SCOTUS continues to belch out rulings that run contrary to established American history, culture and fundamental decency, a growing segment of the population is adamantly refusing to abide by rulings that are widely viewed as wrong-minded, politically-motivated, and anti-American. This includes rulings about same-sex marriage, Marxist health care (ObamaCare), […]

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Obama Rips Confederate Flag; Laments “Distorted Impression” of Muslims

By John W. Lillpop Barack Obama continues to build on his paradoxical reputation as a racist agitator and defender of throat-cutting, Jihad-crazed Muslims. In response to the evil murder of nine church-going African Americans in Charleston, South Carolina, Obama joined the lynching crowds that would blame the tragedy, at least in part, on the Confederate […]

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Pope’s Encyclical on Climate Change Leaked; Obama Announces New Executive Orders!

By John W. Lillpop Pope Francis’ grand entrance into the politics of climate change was tarnished a bit when his encyclical was leaked by an Italian magazine. As reported: Italian magazine L’Espresso leaked Pope Francis’ hotly anticipated encyclical on climate change on its web site on Monday, breaking an embargo on the document set for […]

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