Regardless of Intent, Tony Stewart Was Party to Death of Another Human Being: So What?

By John W. Lillpop Those of us who smugly regard western culture to be vastly superior to the subhuman carnage routinely practiced by Islam devotees appeared to be vindicated by the sickening photo of a 7-year-old Muslim boy proudly displaying the bloodied head of a Syrian soldier killed by Islamic State heathen in July. Barbaric […]

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Root Cause of Illegal Invasions: Hispanic Racism!

By John W. LillpopAs the crisis at America’s border continues to rage out of control, America needs to find a permanent solution, one that will assure American sovereignty while preserving our  language and culture.Clearly, wholesale amnesty is NOT the answer. That was tried in 1986 with the Immigration Reform and Control Act(IRCA) which was signed […]

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Behold! Ethics Cleansing Day Is Nigh!

By John W. Lillpop Barring an unforeseen calamity of epic proportions, 90 days hence we the people will be blessed with the opportunity to right the direction of our great nation and alter the course of history. Indeed, 90 days from today, November 4, will be election day in America. On that day, we the […]

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Why Not Sue AND Impeach?

By John W. LillpopMuch infighting and consternation among conservative patriots these days revolves around the pressing moral, legal, and spiritual issue of our times: Shall we the people sue Barack Obama in a court of law for his failure to faithfully execute the laws, or shall we impeach his Unholiness for high crimes and misdemeanors in […]

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Why Not Sue AND Impeach?

By John W. LillpopMuch infighting and consternation among conservative patriots these days revolves around the pressing moral, legal, and spiritual issue of our times: Shall we the people sue Barack Obama in a court of law for his failure to faithfully execute the laws, or shall we impeach his Unholiness for high crimes and misdemeanors in […]

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Obscene Profits or Dead Broke: Which Is it Hillary?

  By John W. LillpopLike many out-of-touch liberals, Hillary Clinton uses class warfare as a major weapon in her political arsenal. As such, she pummels the rich in fraudulent attempts to align herself with the “little guy,” and middle-class Americans.Besides attacking oil companies and others for “obscene profits” and  the outrage of being so successful, […]

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Elitist Billionaires Push Amnesty for 3rd World Illegals

By John W. Lillpop Billionaires Warren Buffett, Sheldon Adelson, and Bill Gates have recently embraced amnesty as a means for dealing with  the current border crisis. While each of these elitist  billionaires profess compassion for the hapless Central Americans coming here, none would suffer  any  of the hardships that amnesty would ultimately inflict on middle […]

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