Taxpayers Spend $536,526 to Study Smoking Cessation for LGBT Community

( – The National Institutes of Health issued a $536,526 grant to the University of Illinois, Chicago, for a two-year program ending in July to study the smoking cessation of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender population. “The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate the benefits of culturally targeted smoking cessation intervention for […]

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Republicans Don’t Trust IRS to Enforce Obamacare, Protect Confidential Medical Info

( – The Internal Revenue Service, under fire for inappropriately targeting conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status, cannot be trusted with Americans’ sensitive medical information, Republican lawmakers said Wednesday. Under the Affordable Care Act, the job of enforcing compliance with the law falls to the IRS. “Imagine when the IRS decides that they’re going to actually […]

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Golden Dawn Aspires to Be the Hezbollah of Greece & Urges Greeks to Kill Bankers, Not Yourselves

Commenting on the recent rise in suicides in Greece due to the country’s dire economic situation, a leading lawmaker of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party urged nationals to “kill those who are responsible for their problems” rather than result to taking their own lives. Speaking during an interview for the ‘Dateline’ program broadcast by the […]

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Iranian flag

Iran’s Bogus “Election” Process

Newscom Iranian authorities on Tuesday announced the approval of eight candidates who will be allowed to compete in the June 14 presidential election. The Guardian Council, which vetted the candidates, made sure that Iran’s next president will be a pliable servant of the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The regime hopes to repair its sagging […]

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Muslim Heinous Acts of Beheading in the West

by Daniel Pipes May 23, 2013 Cross-posted from National Review Online, The Corner The gruesome murder yesterday of a soldier outside London by a Muslim convert, Michael Adebolajo, brings to mind that throat slitting and beheading are Islamically sanctioned forms of execution. Although these occur particularly often in the course of family-related crimes – think, […]

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RARE SIGHTING: Democrat Introduces Bill That Would INCREASE Border Security

Rep. John Barrow Introduces Keeping the Promise of IRCA Act Thursday, May 23, 2013, 11:46 AM EDT Rep. John Barrow (D-Ga.) has introduced the Keeping the Promise of IRCA Act. The bill would fulfill the border security promises, workplace verification promises, and interior enforcement promises that were never fulfilled by the 1986 amnesty bill. The […]

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Muslim Brotherhood symbol and Obama

President Wishes Away Terrorism

Pat Benic/UPI/Newscom Today, President Obama acknowledged the myriad terrorist threats around the world during his remarks at the National Defense University. Yet his description was much rosier than reality: “Today, the core of al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan is on a path to defeat.” That point is debatable by itself, but it more importantly glosses […]

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