Cloakroom: May 20 – May 24

House Cloakroom: May 20 – May 24 Analysis: This week, the House will take up the approval of the Keystone XL pipeline and student loan rate reform. The Northern Route Approval Act does just what its name suggests—approves the Keystone pipeline. This pipeline will be source of jobs and energy for Americans, and approval is […]

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If Obama Were a CEO, Government Would Hold Him Responsible for Scandals

Jewel Samad/AFP/Getty Images Over the past week, the Obama Administration has been hit with scandal after scandal. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) apologized for targeting conservative organizations, the State Department covered up its reaction to Benghazi, the Department of Justice (DOJ) secretly seized phone records of AP reporters, and the Department of Health and Human […]

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This Week’s Reasons to Repeal Obamacare

Newscom It has been over three years since Obamacare became law. This week, the House voted again to completely repeal it. There are plenty of reasons to repeal Obamacare, especially before its most egregious provisions begin next year, and just this week a few more were added to the list: Small businesses really don’t like […]

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Obama’s “Lead from Behind” Efforts in Syria are Failing

Massimo Pizzotti Stock Connection Worldwide/Newscom On Wednesday the United Nations General Assembly voted on a resolution condemning the Syrian government’s forces while praising the opposition. Although the resolution passed, the non-binding text received less support than last year’s resolution condemning Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. With support for Syria’s rebels waning, it is clear that the […]

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House Republicans Are Right to Focus on Spending Cuts as Part of Debt Ceiling Increase

Newscom This week, the House Republican conference met to discuss what their priority will be in connection with any vote to increase the debt ceiling. This is timely since the current suspension of the debt limit expires tomorrow. According to reports of the Republican House caucus meeting, “Members came away with the impression that the […]

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Hamas officers in Gaza

Media Museum to Honor Hamas Terrorists

Media Museum to Honor Hamas Terrorists May 12, 2013 13:47 by Simon Plosker UPDATE:  Newseum is re-evaluating its decision to honor the terrorists. * * * The Washington DC-based Newseum, a museum dedicated to the media, will be holding a ceremony to honor those journalists who have been killed in the last year in the […]

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KKK Lynched 3,446 Blacks in 86 Years – Abortion Claims That Many Black Babies in ‘Less Than Four Days’

( – Over 86 years, the Ku Klux Klan lynched 3,446 blacks – a figure matched in less than four days if tallying the number of black babies who are aborted. Walter Hoye, founder and president of the Issues4Life Foundation, shared those statistics at a press conference on Tuesday where black clergy and other leaders […]

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DOJ and Department of Education Mandate Orwellian Speech Restrictions on College Campuses

Newscom Last week, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) Civil Rights Division and the Department of Education (ED) Office for Civil Rights issued a joint letter memori­­­alizing an “agreement” with the University of Montana relating to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. […]

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The Arctic Council Rejects the EU—A Boost for Sovereignty and Democracy

State Department/Sipa USA/Newscom Earlier this week the Arctic Council met in Sweden for its biannual meeting. At this time, the applications of 14 countries and organizations, including the European Union Commission, were considered by the Arctic Council to become observers. In what can only be described as a boost for sovereignty and democracy in the […]

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