Extraordinary Letter Reveals Dissent Within Iran’s Revolutionary Guards

Extraordinary Letter Reveals Dissent Within Iran’s Revolutionary Guards July 15, 2012 14:15 by Pesach Benson Everything you need to know about the weekend coverage of Israel and the Mideast. Join the Israel Daily News Stream on Facebook. Today’s Top Stories: 1. The House Foreign Affairs Committee’s held hearings on PA corruption. The Washington Free Beacon […]

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Cloakroom: July 16 – July 20

House Cloakroom Analysis: This week the House will turn its attention to defense funding. The major bill on the floor this week will be the Defense appropriations bill, which provides the funding for the nation’s military. Additionally, the House will take up a bill to establish strict transparency requirements for the Obama Administration’s process of […]

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State Department Still Balking on Calling Out Terrorists in Nigeria

There is some confusion in Foggy Bottom as to how the United States ought to define Boko Haram, an Islamic militant group based in northern Nigeria. Last week, Assistant Secretary of State Johnnie Carson testified in front of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, calling Boko Haram a “terrorist organization.” Yet he defended the Obama Administration’s […]

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Another U.N. Convention That Poses Threats to U.S. Sovereignty

Yesterday, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee held a hearing on the U.N.’s Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). As multiple experts—including The Heritage Foundation’s Steven Groves—testified, it is both unnecessary and unwise for the United States to become a party to the Disabilities Convention. The rights of Americans with disabilities are already […]

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A “Conservative Carbon Tax” Is $0

Instead of rallying together to fight the Obama Administration’s backdoor environmental regulations, which have exorbitant costs and minimal benefit, some conservative organizations are working with liberal groups to push costs higher by piling on a carbon tax. This would be nothing more than an enormously high, regressive energy tax that would needlessly destroy jobs and […]

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Supreme Court and Obamacare: Judicial Activism or Judicial Review?

The deeper meaning and implications of the Obamacare case for the Supreme Court’s reputation and constitutional law will be debated for years to come. In its annual Supreme Court review event at Heritage yesterday, an all-star cast of scholars, advocates (including Solicitor General Donald Verrilli), and journalists tackled those topics. The Court did rule that […]

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Scientists Blame Global Warming for Heat Wave, But Fail to Back It Up

Global-warming alarmists have reemerged with a vengeance following the recent heat wave featuring record temperatures across the nation and dozens of wildfires throughout the West. But how much has global warming contributed? At least two climate change scientists refused to identify any possible threshold, with one declaring, “I honestly don’t think you can really put […]

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