Terrorists on the Mavi Marmara

IHH Denies Alleged Link to Al-Qaeda

Officials with the Turkish Islamist group IHH denied on Friday claims that an official investigation has been launched against IHH President Bülent Y?ld?r?m over alleged links to al-Qaeda. Turkish media outlets reported earlier that Y?ld?r?m has been accused of secretly funding the terrorist group secretly, official documentation. Two Turkish special prosecutors are conducting separate probes into the […]

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Ballot in Egyptian election

Egypt: Brotherhood Claims Lead 2 Hours After Polls Close

The Muslim Brotherhood declared early Monday that its candidate, Mohammed Morsi, won Egypt’s presidential election. The Associated Press reported that at a pre-dawn press conference declaring their win, officials from the fundamentalist group, banned for decades and repeatedly subjected to crackdowns under former President Hosni Mubarak’s rule, were ebullient and smiling. Final official results are […]

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Is Hamas Interfering In Egyptian Elections?

Is Hamas Interfering In Egyptian Elections? June 17, 2012 15:11 by Pesach Benson Everything you need to know about the weekend coverage of Israel and the Mideast. Join the Israel Daily News Stream on Facebook. Today’s Top Stories: 1. Hamas is accused of planning terror attacks to influence the Egyptian elections. Haaretz reports that Egyptian […]

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Five Devastating Effects Obamacare Will Have on Young Adults

In anticipation of the Supreme Court’s Obamacare decision, it is important to remember that the constitutionality of the law’s individual mandate isn’t the only concern. For example, Obamacare will negatively impact many younger Americans. Here’s a list of five ways young adults will be hurt by the law:  Premium increases. Obamacare imposes age-rating rules that […]

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McConnell Describes Political Left’s Efforts to Restrict Free Speech

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said Friday that the Obama administration is pursuing restrictions on political speech through whatever means possible, including bypassing Congress and the federal judiciary. “What they haven’t been able to achieve through the courts or Congress, they’re already attempting to achieve through regulations,” McConnell said in a speech at the American Enterprise […]

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Egypt Drifts Away from Democracy

Egypt has been plunged into confusion by the judicial coup mounted against the recently elected parliament, which was dissolved by a ruling of Egypt’s Supreme Constitutional Court. The Egyptian army undoubtedly acted behind the scenes, using the court as a sock puppet to limit the power of the Muslim Brotherhood, which dominated the parliamentary elections […]

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Missile Defense Protection Against Iran Far Outweighs Objections from Russia or China

As the Obama Administration continues to pursue what can at best be described as a tepid commitment to missile defense, it nonetheless continues to draw condemnation from Russian and Chinese officials who describe U.S. and NATO plans to enhance missile defense capabilities throughout Europe as “destabilizing.” All the while, Russia is testing a new long-range […]

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