Can You Hear Us Now? 43 Organizations Sue over HHS Mandate

Twelve separate lawsuits were filed today in district courts around the country on behalf of 43 separate religious organizations against the Obamacare anti-conscience mandate. The complaints demand relief from the mandate that will force almost all employers to provide and pay for coverage of abortion-inducing drugs, contraception, and sterilization regardless of the employers’ moral or […]

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Uncovering Early Islam

by Daniel Pipes National Review Online May 16, 2012 The year 1880 saw the publication of a book that ranks as the single most important study of Islam ever. Written in German by a young Jewish Hungarian scholar, Ignaz Goldziher, and bearing the nondescript title Muslim Studies (Muhammedanische Studien), it argued that the hadith, the […]

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Barack Obama

New Video Reveals Jewish ‘Mixed Feelings’ on Obama

While recent polls have shown that American Jews still favor President Barack Obama for re-election, despite his rocky relationship with Israel and with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, a new video released this week suggests that the opposite may be true, or at the very least that some of the American Jewish population is still undecided. “Pastrami Politics” is […]

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NATO to Declare Interim European Missile Defense Capability

During the NATO meeting in Chicago, the alliance will declare that it has an interim operational capability to defend itself against ballistic missile attacks. This is a major step forward for NATO and U.S. leadership within the alliance. The declaration marks the achievement of the first phase in the Obama Administration’s European Phased Adaptive Approach […]

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Ardent Zionists v Enlightened Jews: An Assault on British Jewry

Ardent Zionists v Enlightened Jews: An Assault on British Jewry May 14, 2012 12:06 by Simon Plosker Yasmin Alibhai-Brown has been critiqued regularly by HonestReporting over the years. The Independent columnist has a particularly vicious streak when it comes to Israel, which she routinely describes as a “racist” and “apartheid” state. Indeed, she has a […]

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