Deferring to Congress on ObamaCare

In a Washington Post opinion piece, Charles Krauthammer makes the case that it is ObamaCare that is on trial—not the Supreme Court. The focus should remain on this “fundamentally transformative law” that “remak[es] one-sixth of the economy.”  Krauthammer notes that ObamaCare passed on strictly partisan lines, unlike other major social legislation such the Voting Rights […]

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Obama’s Stumbles While Stepping Back on Supreme Court Comments

Although the Supreme Court Justices are tight-lipped, most everyone else has condemned President Obama for the attack he launched at the judiciary on Monday.  Even the Washington Post editorialized that “the comments strayed perilously close to a preemptive strike on the court’s legitimacy.” On Monday, Obama – who often is described as a former professor […]

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The Week Obama Jumped the Shark

By Peter Wehner In a press conference on Monday, President Obama said, “I’d just remind conservative commentators that for years, what we’ve heard is the biggest problem on the bench was judicial activism or the lack of judicial restraint, that an unelected group of people would somehow overturn a duly constituted and passed law. And […]

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Concerns Endure over President Obama’s “Flexibility” Comments

Heritage’s recent event “Open Microphone: What’s Behind President Obama’s Missile Defense Comments,” hosted by Kim R. Holmes, highlighted some of the concerns regarding President Obama’s recent comments to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he will have more “flexibility” after the election. Obama went on to say, “On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this—this […]

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Vanderbilt’s “Tolerance” Policy Forces Christian Groups off Campus

One of Vanderbilt University’s largest Christian student organizations has announced it will formally break ties with the Tennessee school, becoming the latest victim of the college’s intolerant policy on student club leadership. Vanderbilt Catholic announced last week that is it unable to comply with the school’s new nondiscrimination policy that prohibits student groups from maintaining […]

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