The Case for Newt Gingrich: How Easily His Great Conservative Achievements are Forgotten

By Peter Ferrara on 12.28.11 @ 6:08AM How easily his great and solid conservative achievements are forgotten. He led us to victory before. Spectacular, historic victory. The strategy and content of his 1994 Contract with America propelled the Republicans to a 54-seat gain in 1994 to win control of the House of Representatives, which had […]

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Ahmadinejad: Our nuclear program is for peace

Ahmadinejad Tells Germans Holocaust a Lie

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has surpassed previous acts of chutzpah and tells German television the Holocaust “was a colonialist plan that resulted from a lie” that Israel exploits to suppress Palestinian Authority Arabs. Speaking through an interpreter to Germany’s ZDF public television, Ahmadinejad asserted that Jews “never were rulers of this land. They made a […]

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It Could Happen Here

Family members of victims of Monday’s shooting in Toulouse cry during a funeral in Jerusalem on March 21, 2012. A wannabe al-Qaeda went on a killing spree in France. Don’t breathe a sigh of relief because it happened over there. It can happen here. At least 45 plots aimed at the U.S. since 9/11 have […]

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