Report: Qaddafi’s Daughter Seeking Asylum in Israel

The daughter of former Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi, Aisha, is seeking political asylum in Israel, according to a report on the Intelligence Online website. The report, which was quoted by Yeshiva World News on Wednesday, said that Aisha Qaddafi has hired the services of Nick Kaufman, a former prosecutor assigned to the Jerusalem District Prosecutor’s […]

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Season’s Greetings From the Israel Bashers

Every year around Christmas, journalists descend upon Bethlehem looking for a story with a seasonal flavor, usually a bitter one as far as Israel is concerned. That the same old stories are recycled more often than that Christmas or Chanukah present you just didn’t want, doesn’t seem to bother some media outlets. Some particularly nasty […]

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Empower Iranians vs. Tehran

by Daniel Pipes National Review Online July 19, 2011 How should Western governments deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran, which Washington labels “the most active state sponsor of terrorism”? Iranian aggression began in 1979, with the seizure of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, and the holding of some of its staff as hostages for […]

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L’Institut d’Égypte – In Memoriam

by Daniel Pipes December 26, 2011 Cross-posted from National Review Online Founded in 1798 by the scientists accompanying Napoleon on his invasion of Egypt and author of the monumental 20-volume Description de l’Égypte (1809-28), L’Institut d’ Égypte was burned down on Dec. 17 by crowds rampaging in the vicinity of the National Assembly building. Remarkably […]

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U.N. “Rights” Protections Trending Toward Abortion, Islamophobia Rules

As the Universal Declaration of Human Rights celebrated a birthday this month, it is worth noting how this document—noble in its original intentions—is often reinterpreted by advocates of a host of issues, resulting in a laundry list of new rights claims and corresponding government responsibilities thrust upon the 193 U.N. member states. Two prime examples […]

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French MP Valerie Boyer Is Threatened and Her Website Is Hacked by Turks

The aftershocks of the French National Assembly’s law criminalizing denial of the Armenian genocide continue. Valerie Boyer, an author of the bill and Vice President of the France-Armenia Friendship group, has been threatened and the threats extend to her children and parents. “ Death threats, threats of rape and threats of destruction, name-calling and insults. […]

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