Obama’s Jihad

Ever since Barack Hussein Obama gave his speech to the Muslim world and essentially flung Israel under the bus, I have read countless analysis of his speech. His every word, right down to the commas, have been deconstructed with a passion usually reserved for the study of Talmud. My brother-in-law, David, a rabbi and businessman […]

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A Turning Point in the Arab-Israeli Conflict?

by Daniel Pipes May 15, 2011 updated May 23, 2011 I predicted a few weeks ago that Arab upheavals might inspire Palestinians to shift “away from warfare and terrorism in favor of non-violent political action. That could include massive non-violent demonstrations such as marching on Israeli towns, borders, and checkpoints.” Right on cue, on what […]

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‘A Palestinian State is an Illusion’

Dr. Ron Breiman, former chairman of Professors for a Strong Israel and currently the spokesperson of the Hatikva faction in the National Union party, praised Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for his tough stance and response to President Barack Obama after the speech on Thursday in which Obama called for the formation of a Palestinian state […]

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First Israeli Victim of Modern Intifada Terrorism: ‘Leaving Israelis Outside Israel’s Borders? It Won’t Happen!’

The first victim of modern intifada terrorism, Dov Kalmanovitz, says Netanyahus consent to leave Israeli Jews outside Israels borders is surreal, but theres no reason for concern. Speaking with Arutz-7s Hebrew news magazine, Kalmanovitz said, I cannot begin to understand the Prime Ministers diplomatic plan, as he expressed it on Tuesday to Congress. To leave […]

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Israel PM Netanyahu Coverage: One Speech, Multiple Stories (Video of Speech)

Bibi Coverage: One Speech, Multiple Stories Israeli PM Netanyahu’s address to Congress has provoked a variety of reactions. While Netanyahu delivered one speech, how the media consuming public heard it was entirely dependent on the focus or interpretation and possibly even the bias of the particular media outlet or journalist writing the story. And the […]

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Video Series: US Depends on Israel for Homeland Security

“We can trust Israelis” to help with American. security, says Maine Senator Collins in one of several videos prepared by American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) for its annual conference. [youtube b166XmCkkRg nolink] “We can trust Israelis” to help with American security because “we know we have the same goals,” says Maine Sen. Collins in […]

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Chrysler: Credit the Bankruptcy, Not the Bailout

“We received confirmation this morning…that Chrysler Group repaid, with interest, by wire transfer to the United States Treasury and by bank transfer to the Canadian government, every penny that had been loaned less than two years ago.” That simple statement by Chrysler (and Fiat) CEO Sergio Marchionne that Chrysler had paid off its taxpayer loans […]

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