Al-Qaeda Rising in Libya?

The Arab Spring may be becoming a long hot summer. In the President’s major speech on the Middle East yesterday, it seemed pretty clear that he has moved on from Libya and turned his attention back to the Arab–Israeli peace process. Attention deficit disorder, however, may not be the right answer. There is a disturbing […]

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“Freedom Cannot Be Denied”

In his much-hyped speech on the Middle East and North Africa, President Obama made the case that “a moment of opportunity” in the region should not be lost. “Sometimes, in the course of history,” the President remarked, “the actions of ordinary citizens spark movements for change because they speak to a longing for freedom that […]

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Full Text and Video of Obama Speech on Israel

United States President Barack Obama called Thursday for a return to the 1949 Armistice lines between Israel and its Arab neighbors to the east, in a major foreign policy speech. The video the full speech and the text pertaining to Israel follow: [youtube -M_CA0orW08 nolink] Text regarding Israel (37:15 to 47:10 in the video): For […]

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Revocation of Freedom Attempt in the USA: San Francisco’s Circumcision Ban On Ballot

A measure seeking to ban male circumcision will appear on the November ballot in San Francisco. More than 7,700 signatures from city residents on a petition in support of the measure were approved as valid by city officials on Wednesday. At least 7,168 signatures were required, and more than 12,000 were submitted. The measure, which […]

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Egyptian Saif el Adal Named New Al Qaeda Chief

Circles associated with al Qaeda reported Wednesday, May 18 that the Egyptian Saif el Adal (Sword of Justice) had been named interim operations chief of the organization. debkafile’s counter-terror sources say that naming Osama bin Laden’s most experienced terrorist operations mastermind underlines al Qaeda’s current focus on avenging his death at the hands of US […]

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Education Department Violates Law, and States Say “No” to National Standards

Last week, more than 100 education leaders signed a manifesto against the federally supported national education standards and tests backed by the Obama Administration. And in recent weeks, two states—Minnesota and South Carolina—have proposed legislation to prohibit implementation of the standards. While Minnesota has already adopted the English/language arts standards, the state has not adopted […]

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Paul Ryan’s Budget is Good for America

When considering Representative Paul Ryan’s (R–WI) budget plan, it goes without saying that if one disagrees with Ryan’s vision, then of course he or she won’t like his plan, regardless of whether it fixes our budget problems. It is important, then, to consider his vision: Is smaller government a worthy goal? In the words of […]

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