Palestinian Authority Incitement Continues; Another Award to Mass Murderer

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has vehemently rejected reports of PA incitement, and has even gone so far as to claim that Israel, not the PA, is the party guilty of incitement. However, while he insists that his government does not promote terrorism, his ministers continue to laud and reward terrorists. Recently, the terrorist chosen for […]

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The Joke’s on you, America – A Closer Look at Obama’s Birth Certificate (Video)

President Barack Obama’s long form birth certificate released at last – we knew it was too good to be true. In his attempts to quell Donald Trump’s demands for the never-released long-form birth certificate, President Barack Obama may have just landed himself even deeper in the controversy. After closer investigation, sources say the document has […]

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The Case for a “Greatly Reduced Federal Footprint” in Education

When Congressman John Kline (R–MN) served as a Marine, “one of [his] assignments was to carry the ‘football’—the package containing the nuclear launch codes—for presidents Carter and Reagan,” writes George Will in profile of the House Education and Workforce Committee chairman last week. Now Kline is quarterbacking the House approach to the reauthorization of No […]

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Report: Obama’s Diplomatic Plan Revealed – Another Palestinian State, Destroy Israel

United States President Barack Obama has created his own diplomatic plan for talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority to rival that of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, according to the New York Times. Obama’s plan is reportedly based on principles including: the creation of a PA state in Judea and Samaria, with borders based on […]

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Understanding Post-Mubarak Egypt

by Daniel Pipes National Review Online April 26, 2011 As Egypt lurches into a new era, a look at its complexities and subtleties helps to understand the country’s likely course. Some thoughts on key issues: The spirit of Tahrir Square is real and alive but exceedingly remote from the halls of power. Revolutionary ideas – […]

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China’s Bullet Train Fiasco: A Warning to America

Well, the Chinese finally have a green-energy idea worth stealing: arrest government officials who foist overpriced, underperforming, debt-ballooning, money-losing projects on taxpayers. Earlier this year, Liu Zhijun, Minister of Railways in the People’s Republic of China, was arrested following investigations into cost overruns and poor performance of the ministry’s showcase bullet trains. To be fair, […]

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“Assad is World’s Most Dangerous Man”; Obama Silent as Syrian Death Toll at 400; Video: Tanks Shoot Civilians

Syrian President Bashar Assad is the world’s “most dangerous man,” according to Pulitzer Prize winner journalist Joel Brinkley, who added that the Obama government has “delusional views” of the dictator. Writing for Tribune Media Services, Brinkley said Assad overshadows Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for being dangerous because the “duplicitous dictator…has duped presidents and prime ministers […]

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