Even on Tax Day, It Pays to Be Married

As Tax Day arrives, families across the country are reluctantly pulling out purses and wallets to cut a hefty check to Uncle Sam. While the annual pain of paying federal income taxes is far from pleasant, married families can take comfort in the fact that they are probably better off financially than their single counterparts. […]

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Chuck Norris Hits Obama: Obama Wrong on Border Violence

The White House is taking credit for the previous administration’s progress at curbing criminal activity on the U.S. side of the Mexican border, while at the same time advising officials to not overestimate border violence, writes Honorary Texas Ranger Chuck Norris in his column at HumanEvents.com.  Norris quotes Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano as saying: […]

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America Outmatches China Economically (For Now)

China announced its economic results for the first quarter this morning. GDP was said to grow a strong 9.7 percent, while consumer inflation reached a worrisome 5 percent. Frankly, most Americans shouldn’t care that much. China’s economic importance is being overstated now, and even its considerable economic potential is sometimes overstated. The PRC is much […]

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Pakistan Overplays Its Hand in Making Demands of U.S.

Pakistan is reportedly calling for a reduction in U.S. drone missile strikes against terrorists sheltering in its tribal border areas, greater transparency from the CIA regarding its counterterrorism activities inside Pakistan, and a reduction in U.S. military trainers in the country. Following a meeting in Washington between the director of Pakistan’s intelligence service, Shuja Pasha, […]

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Mild Western Reaction to Mass Deaths in Syria

Unrest continued Saturday in both Egypt and Syria, as protesters in both cities were killed by security forces in each country. Meanwhile, thousands of Egyptians rioted outside the Israeli embassy in Cairo over the IDF’s response to Hamas terror attacks, increasing concern in Jerusalem that the protests in the Arab world could begin to focus […]

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91 Years Ago: At San Remo, WWI Allies Accepted Jews’ Right to Land

The 91st anniversary of the first international recognition of Jewish national rights in the Land of Israel – namely, the San Remo Conference – will be commemorated in two weeks. The San Remo Conference was an international meeting of four of the leading Allied powers of World War I, known as the post-World War I Allied Supreme Council. It […]

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Stories the Media Missed

Stories the Media Missed With the international media’s attention fixed on Libya and Japan, Israel has found itself out of the usual media glare up until Wednesday’s bombing in Jerusalem. This would ordinarily be a good thing. Instead, however, with less column inches available for other world news, editors have indulged in selective reporting or […]

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Breaking the Silence: Human Rights Group Cites Palestinian Authority Attacks on Reporters

The Palestinian Authority is “becoming notorious for assaulting and intimidating journalists” and causing some self-censorship by local reporters, according to the Human Rights Watch organization. The report may partially explain media bias against Israel. Human Rights Watch, which traditionally has focused on allegation of rights abuses in Israel, stated that Palestinian Authority intimidation has caused […]

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Protests in Yemen, Fears of Al-Qaeda Takeover

Protests continued in Yemen on Saturday, with tens of thousands taking to the streets in Taiz and in the capital city of San’a. Police responded to demonstrations with tear gas and gunfire, killing one person and injuring dozens more. Yemeni officials accused the protesters of deliberately provoking violence. Demonstrators are calling for the resignation of […]

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