House Hearing: Secretary Sebelius Talks Fiscal Responsibility and Obamacare

Yesterday, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius testified before the House Energy and Commerce Committee on the President’s fiscal year 2012 budget and implementation of Obamacare. The Secretary’s remarks highlighted the need for fiscal responsibility and health care reform that gives greater power to individuals and more flexibility to the states. Unfortunately, none […]

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Qaddafi Massacres Rebels, but His Troops Are Defecting

Heavy fighting reached Tripoli Sunday morning as Muammar Qaddafi’s sons led a massacre of civilians, including women and children, and attacked ambulances carrying wounded rebels. Opposition forces have downed more Libyan air force planes and have captured tanks and heavy weapons as many soldiers defect. [youtube o4cbRM31N3M nolink] Oil has become the focus of battles […]

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Saudi Arabia Shuts Down Shi’ite ‘Days of Rage’ Protests

The Saudi Arabian government has clamped down on protests by Shi’ite Muslims. In an announcement broadcast on Saudi state television, the Interior Ministry prohibited all marches and protests in the kingdom. The statement warned that security forces will use every means necessary to prevent any attempt to cause public disorder. A ministry spokesman added that […]

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Hamas ‘Liberates’ Money at Gunpoint

Hamas forces stormed into banks in Gaza twice this week and demanded money at gunpoint, making off with a total of $350,000. Leaders of the terrorist group declared that they were “protecting the Palestinian people’s money,” not stealing. Banks in Gaza shut down in protest, and will reopen on Sunday. The Hamas-affiliated National Islamic Bank […]

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Mideast Revolutions Spread: More Hypocrisy Exposed

Mideast Revolutions Spread: More Hypocrisy Exposed HonestReporting recently commented on how the coverage of the Egyptian uprising had revealed a significant double standard in the media’s coverage of Israel. While the current events in Libya do not necessarily have any direct linkages to Israel, nonetheless, the situation has continued to further expose the hypocrisy of […]

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Education’s Federal Compliance Burden

On Tuesday, the House Education and the Workforce Committee held a full committee hearing on the impact of the federal government’s role in education; the mandates handed down from Washington, the associated paperwork burden, and the hurdles created for teachers and schools as a result. (If that sounds like a handful, it is.) The hearing’s […]

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New Survey on Abstinence and Sexual Activity: The Good News and the Bad News

On Thursday, The Washington Post heralded the findings of a new survey reporting on sexual activity in the United States. While the study pronounced such positive findings as an increase in abstinence among teens and college-age adults and a decrease in teen pregnancy, there is bleaker story that cannot be ignored: the ever-increasing rate of […]

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The Euro Crisis is Still with Us

Media attention has concentrated recently on the Middle East “democracy” protests and what appears to be degenerating into a civil war in Libya. This focus tended to shift attention from crises that were raging prior to the Middle East turmoil. One such example is European debt crisis. As we approach the European Council Summit towards […]

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