Survival Depends On The Passage Of Cantwell-McCain’s Glass Steagall

–Lyndon LaRouche today declared that the only hope for avoiding a near-term collapse of the entire global financial system is for the U.S. Senate to pass the Cantwell-McCain amendment, reinstating the Glass Steagall Act, that separated commercial banks from brokerage and insurance firms in 1933. “If the White House and the Senate Democratic leadership don’t […]

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Why is the U.S.A Bankrupt?

You think the war in Iraq is costing us too much? Read this: Was I confused by liberal propaganda. I have been hammered with the propaganda that it is the Iraq war and the war on terror is the source that is bankrupting the USA. I now find that to be insane. I hope the […]

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Stop the EPA’s Global Warming Power Grab

The Obama administration intends to bypass Congress and implement outrageous global warming regulation of the entire U.S. economy through the EPA.  Many of you have helped us put tens of thousands of comments into the EPA, but they aren’t listening.  We need Congress to step in and stop the EPA power-grab, by sending a clear […]

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Tell Congress to Stop the FCC Internet Takeover

As we have explained on, the Obama administration is committed to accomplishing its far-left agenda at any cost and by any means. When Congress blocks its agenda, it pursues any number of techniques to circumvent the normal policy-making process. In its efforts to impose crippling net neutrality regulations on the Internet-an idea with very […]

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