The ‘Public Option’: Government-Run Health Care on the Installment Plan

Don’t get caught up in reports of divisions within the Democratic Party over “Medicare for All” vs. “public option” legislation. Its candidates act as if there is some meaningful difference between the goals of Medicare for All and the so-called moderate public option legislation, but in truth, other than timing, there is little difference between […]

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Trump’s Budget Weighs In at $4.8 Trillion, Projects Deficits Until 2035

The Trump administration on Monday presented a $4.8 trillion spending proposal for fiscal 2021 to Congress that would balance the federal budget in 15 years, cut foreign aid, and boost the nuclear arsenal. President Donald Trump’s spending plan also asks Congress to increase spending for border security, infrastructure, and NASA. “The plan offered today proposes […]

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PROMISE KEPT: President Trump Signs USMCA

President Trump made history today, signing the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) and keeping his signature promise to end the NAFTA era. Two decades of politicians ran for office vowing to replace NAFTA—but once elected, they never even tried. President @realDonaldTrump will ALWAYS fight for the American worker! ??? — The White House (@WhiteHouse) January […]

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Joe Biden’s Brother Frank Received $54,000,000 in Taxpayer Loans from Obama Admin W/ No Experience

HARIS ALIC Frank Biden, the youngest brother of former Vice President Joe Biden, saw his business interests benefit from millions of dollars in taxpayer loans to Caribbean nations during the Obama years. The extensive overlap in Frank Biden’s dealings and Obama-Biden foreign policy in Central America is exposed in Peter Schweizer’s new book—Profiles in Corruption: […]

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Democrats move to crush small business

By Joseph Semprevivo Democrats may be obsessed with impeachment, but they’re still finding time to advance a left-wing agenda.  That should terrify all Americans. At its core, the Democratic Party remains the party of high taxes and burdensome regulations, and one deeply critical of America’s free-market economy.  Not only is our economy the most powerful in the history […]

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Hunter Biden Involved in Multi-Million ‘Counterfeiting Scheme’ Linked to Burisma

EDWIN MORA A private investigation firm, hired by a woman in Arkansas seeking to resolve an ongoing child-custody dispute with the alleged father, Hunter Biden, has “lawfully” obtained documents that claim to confirm the former vice president’s son’s involvement in “a massive, $156 million ‘counterfeiting scheme,’” Fox News reported Monday. Speaking to Fox News Monday, D&A […]

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