Study Confirms Ivermectin Outperforms Chemotherapy in Treating Breast Cancer

Yet another study has emerged to confirm that ivermectin can successfully treat cancer patients. Researchers in Mexico have revealed that ivermectin outperforms chemotherapy as a treatment for breast cancer. Scientists have been publishing research dating back to 1996 showing that ivermectin could be an effective cancer treatment. More recent research has discovered that ivermectin inhibits cancer stem cells. […]

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The ‘Vaccine’ will kill 117 kids to ‘save’ one child from dying from COVID in the 5 to 11 age range

The “Vaccine” will kill 117 kids to save one kid from catching COVID. “So, to put it simply, the Biden administration plan would kill 5,248 children via Pfizer mRNA shots in order to save 45 children from dying of coronavirus. For every one child saved by the shot, another 117 would be killed by the shot.” […]

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Fauci Claims No “True Basis” In Concerns Over Long-Term COVID Vax Side Effects

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News, In another display of ignorance on the science, Anthony Fauci declared Wednesday that there are is no “true basis” for concerns over potential long term side effects of COVID vaccines, despite there being no long term studies to take data from. While speaking on a virtual call in […]

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Fauci’s entire dishonest house of cards just collapsed

By Andrea Widburg Perhaps, at long last, the deadly reign of Anthony Fauci will come to an end. That’s because The Intercept, a hard-left publication, has revealed 900 pages of government documents definitively proving that Fauci used his position to fund gain-of-function research into bat viruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (“WIV”)—and then lied to […]

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Australia proves why socialized medicine is so dangerous

By Andrea Widburg Australia didn’t slowly turn into a totalitarian nation.  It became one overnight, thanks to the people’s willingness to accept their governments’ hysterical reaction to COVID.  We’ve all watched in horror as a once free country now confines people to their homes, forces injections on their children, turns unmasked people into “most wanted” outlaws, shoots dogs, […]

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Antarctic: Surprising Sea Ice and Cooling

By Jack Dini Just two years ago, many of Germany’s mainstream outlets declared sea ice at the South Pole was melting at an ‘astonishing ’ rate. German national daily Suddeutsche Zeitung reported in June 2019 that Antarctic sea ice had shrunk 1.8 million square kilometers, writing ‘the massive disappearance of ice is astonishing.’ Today, two years […]

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