German Official: Obama Protected Christmas Market Terrorist for Months Before Terror Attack in Dec. 2016

As the third anniversary of the Berlin Christmas Market Islamic terror attack on Dec. 19, 2016 approaches, a police detective has testified the German government ignored warnings of the danger posed by terrorist Anis Amri. The Barack Hussein Obama government involved in protecting the prospective mass murderer-Islamic Terrorist. The bombshell testimony came after a year […]

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Islamic Terrorist Vows to Get 30 Jihadist Muslims Elected to Congress & One Muslim on The Supreme Court

CAIR’s Executive Director and terrorist supporter Nihad Awad recently said at the terrorist organization’s 25th annual gala in DC that his goal is to get 30 Muslims elected to Congress. But Awad didn’t stop there – he also envisioned at least one Muslim jihadist placed on the Supreme Court (Sharia law) along with Muslim federal […]

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German Actress Absolutely Destroys Traitoress Merkel in Open Letter, ‘You Belong in Prison’

By Silvana Heißenberg You are the most despicable and criminal Chancellor the German people have ever had to endure. You brought the German people terror, war, poverty and death by deliberately and illegally importing illegal migrants into the country, hundreds of thousands of mercenaries, terrorists and other die-hard criminals. According to article 16 of the […]

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 ISIS Terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Was Held at US Prison Camp in 2009 Obama Let Him Go

US forces killed the “Religion of Peace” terrorist leader of ISIS, Abu Al-Baghdadi, last night near the Syrian–Turkish border. Al-Baghdadi was the leader of the ISIS Caliphate.  He was held by the US in 2009 until the Iraqis and the Obama administration agreed to let him go. Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic […]

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Report: ISIS leader killed by US forces

A “high value ISIS target” believed to be the group’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, has been killed by US-led forces in Idlib, Syria, a well-placed military source told Fox News on Saturday night. The US Army would not confirm the identity of the deceased target. A defense official told CNN that it appears that al-Baghdadi […]

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