Rep. Ilhan Omar: Pro-Lifers are Hypocrites, Want to ‘Control Us’

( – Wading into the controversy over the passage of pro-life laws in red states, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) on Wednesday accused the “religious right” of trying to force its views on the nation, and disputed conservatives’ claims to be motivated by concern for human life. She also accused conservatives of hypocrisy, citing two instances […]

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Rabbi Aryeh Spero on Ingraham Angle: Rep. Omar Is ‘Anti-Jewish,’ ‘Anti-American’

By Michael Morris | May 23, 2019 | 11:06 AM EDT On FOX News Channel’s “The Ingraham Angle” on Monday with host Laura Ingraham, Rabbi Aryeh Spero, president of Caucus for America and spokesman for the National Conference on Jewish Affairs, commented on a rally held in New York City to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) from the House Foreign Affairs […]

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Sarah Halimi’s murderer ‘unfit to stand trial’ due to marijuana

Simon Wiesenthal Centre Director for International Relations, Dr.Shimon Samuels, expressed to French Minister of Justice, Nicole Belloubet, that he was “sickened at the reopened ruling of the investigating magistrate in the 66-year-old Sarah Halimi case, to treat her self-confessed murderer as ‘mentally unfit to stand trial due to his marijuana intoxication.’” Halimi was cruelly murdered […]

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Qatar Shows Two Faces to the World

Four Israelis were buried earlier this month in the wake of nearly 1,000 rockets Hamas and Islamic Jihad fired into Israeli population centers, striking schools, synagogues and homes. The attacks were a massive escalation, showing both the capabilities and determination of the terror groups to strike deeply and indiscriminately within Israeli territory. With new rockets, […]

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Google YouTube Removes Lauren Southern’s Movie “Borderless” on the European Border Crisis

After six-and-a-half months conservative filmmaker Lauren Southern released “Borderless” Friday, a comprehensive documentary on the European border crisis. And then it was quickly deleted by the open border globalists at Google YouTube. Within 24 hours. Lauren Southern spoke with Human Events. “On release day the film wouldn’t play in the back end—so we uploaded another version. […]

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Islam Killed 2,295 Teachers, Destroyed 1,500 Schools in Nigeria in Nine Years

Islam has killed an estimated 2,295 teachers and displaced 19,000 people in northeastern Nigeria since it launched an insurgency in 2009 to establish an Islamic emirate, the African nation’s minister of education revealed this week, Islamic groups like Boko Haram are leading the way of deaths in the area, they have a 100% Mulim membership, […]

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What is Terrorism and Why Does its Definition Matter?

What is “terrorism”? We’re used to hearing the media describe well recognized terror organizations with euphemisms like, militants, extremists, or sometimes even obscenely activists. One might reasonably come to believe that terrorism has no definition at all, or that it’s all a matter of subjective opinion. After all, “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter,” […]

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