O’Rourke Misleads on Trump’s MS-13 Remarks, Banning of Muslims

(CNSNews.com) – Democrat presidential hopeful Robert “Beto” O’Rourke used the first question in a CNN town hall on Tuesday to accuse President Trump of calling immigrants “animals” and an “infestation,” and stating that the president tried to “ban all Muslims” from entering the U.S. All three claims, made within minutes of the start of the […]

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Poisonous Cartoon Crosses the Line?

Guardian cartoonist Steve Bell has plenty of previous form when it comes to producing poisonous anti-Israel imagery that crosses the line into antisemitism. His latest cartoon “Mike Pompeo’s prayer for Middle East peace” raises similar questions. We see caricatures of US President Donald Trump, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. […]

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Muslim Cop Mohamed Noor Files Motion to Toss Out Murder Conviction of Justine Damond

He was touted by the leftist mayors office a politically correct hire, being their first Muslim Somali officer. Records show that he shouldn’t have been passed in the Academy or the Field Training program but he was “untouchable” because of pressure from the mayors office, this affirmative action hire could not be touched. The Muslim […]

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The ‘Notorious’ Iron Dome?!

There is nothing notorious about Israel’s Iron Dome unless you are a disappointed Palestinian terrorist. Not according to the Daily Mail’s Mail Online: Israel has reportedly deployed its notorious Iron Dome defence system ahead of the Eurovision Song Contest later this week. Notorious? What on earth was the writer thinking? Israel’s Iron Dome is, of course, […]

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Pompeo on John Kerry: Past Secretaries of State Should ‘Get Off the Stage’

(CNSNews.com) – Former secretaries of state should “get off the stage” and leave foreign policy to their successors, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Sunday, when asked about John Kerry’s interactions with the Iranian regime since leaving the State Department. Asked by CNBC’s Hadley Gamble whether Kerry’s reported conversations with his former Iranian counterpart made […]

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