Federal Taxpayers Help Virginia Make $2-million Health Care Advertising Push

Federal taxpayers are pitching in $2 million for a marketing campaign to make sure Virginians eligible for government-subsidized health care know how to enroll. The commonwealth isn’t expanding Medicaid eligibility under the Affordable Care Act, at least not yet. Still, a federal exchange grant that runs through December 2015 will help Gov. Terry McAuliffe accomplish […]

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At the White House press briefing Tuesday, Press Secretary Josh Earnest announced that President Obama would not sign a bipartisan bill authorizing the construction of the Keystone-XL Pipeline.

White House Claims Obama’s Veto Threat is an Example of GOP Obstructionism

At the White House press briefing Tuesday, Press Secretary Josh Earnest announced that President Obama would not sign a bipartisan bill authorizing the construction of the Keystone-XL Pipeline. Earnest was then asked whether President Obama’s first veto threat “raises questions” about his unwillingness to work with the new Republican controlled Congress. Earnest answered citing the […]

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Youth Misery Grows More Than 50% Under Obama

Young America’s Foundation has released its Youth Misery Index (YMI) numbers for 2014, and it’s a record high of 106.5. The Youth Misery Index (YMI) is calculated by adding youth unemployment, student loan debt, and national debt (per capita) numbers. Young people are experiencing hardships like never before under the Obama administration, and this generation […]

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High-Ranking Democrat Blasts Obama’s ‘Secret Diplomacy’ With Cuba

President Obama will have trouble appointing an ambassador to Cuba following his decision to normalize relations with the Communist government, predicts the outgoing Democratic chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. On Sunday, Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., told CNN that past actions on the part of the Obama administration would make it “very difficult to […]

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Obamacare: How Screwed Are You?

By Rodney Lee Conover ObamaCare was never about healthcare, the poor, insurance, or anything else. It’s about controlling the populace, paying off cronies, donors, supporters and expanding the size and authority of the central government. You think they cared that no one could get on the website and actually sign up for ObamaCare before the 2012 […]

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