‘Not Islamic’?

Dennis Prager President Obama declared in his recent address to the nation that “ISIL is not Islamic.” But how does he know? On what basis did the president of the United States declare the a group of Muslims that calls itself “Islamic State” “not Islamic”? Has he studied Islam and Islamic history and concluded that […]

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The ObamaCare Disaster

By Alan Caruba :  By far the worst law passed by Congress in 2010 was the Affordable Care Act (ACA) otherwise known as ObamaCare. It was passed without a single Republican vote and as more Americans experience the higher costs and other aspects of it realize how it has negatively affected their lives, it should eventually […]

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Goodbye Eric Holder

By Alan Caruba:  In a nation where there is a scarcity of good news, hearing Eric Holder give a farewell speech upon his announcement that he will be leaving as the Attorney General was surely welcome in some circles. I was never a fan of his because he was in my opinion always more of […]

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Obama is a Terrorist

Paul Craig Roberts Obama’s September 24 speech at the UN is the most absurd thing I have heard in my entire life. It is absolutely amazing that the president of the United States would stand before the entire world and tell what everyone knows are blatant lies while simultaneously demonstrating Washington’s double standards and belief […]

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We Are Losing WWIII

In a prescient article, Daniel Greenfield states that “on September 11, thousands were murdered in one day. The Democrats don’t like calling what happened on that day an act of war. Americans however know it’s a war and are determined to win.” The Democratic equivocation about the meaning of war not only fails to acknowledge […]

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Obama’s Secret Agenda

By Jim Meyers What is Obama’s real end game? Now, for the first time, noted political strategist Dick Morris reveals Obama’s secret strategy in his powerful new book “Power Grab: Obama’s Dangerous Plan for a One-Party Nation.” In “Power Grab,” Morris warns that America is at a crossroads — we can choose the path of […]

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