Censorship in the USA; It’s Happening!

In yet another surprising case, leftist judges have made a court ruling to censor content on youtube that offends Muslims by exposing actual teachings within Islam. A U.S. appeals court on Wednesday ordered Google Inc to remove from its YouTube video-sharing website an anti-Islamic film that had sparked protests across the Muslim world. By a […]

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Obama Shut Out in Beer Bets Over Ice Hockey With Canadian PM Harper

As a follow-up to yesterday’s post on President Obama’s Olympic beer wager lost to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, we report that the Canadians have swept the bet after their back-to-back hockey victories over the United States (women’s yesterday and men’s today). In his tweet yesterday, Harper said he’d wager a case of Canadian beer should his […]

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NFL Seen Now as Giant Propaganda Opportunity for the Left

On Monday’s broadcast of his show, Limbaugh said he once thought liberals wanted to eliminate football–but, today he thinks that the “NFL is seen now as a giant propaganda opportunity for the Left.” “We’re not talking about football. We’re talking about policing speech and dictating behavior. I, at one time… I’m gonna modify a prediction. […]

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Common store front, Los Angeles

Latinos not buying into Obamacare

Hispanics are shying away from signing up for health insurance on the Obamacare exchanges. At least one in three Latinos in the U.S. are uninsured, a far higher rate than whites or blacks. Yet, advocates say their Obamacare enrollment is lagging for a variety of reasons. “Some of these families have never had insurance in […]

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Next Shoe To Drop: Obamacare Will Increase The Cost Of Employer-Sponsored Insurance

Yesterday, the Obama Administration’s Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released a six-page report predicting that Obamacare could cause premiums to increase for nearly two-thirds of small- to medium-sized businesses. “This results in roughly 11 million individuals whose premiums are estimated to be higher as a result of the ACA and about 6 million individuals […]

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Susan Rice embodies America’s decline

Susan Rice ought to stay off “Meet the Press.” The last time she was on, she misrepresented what led to the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya. On Sunday she was back, this time misrepresenting critics of the Obama administration’s Syria policy. Last time her misrepresentation was unintentional. This time it wasn’t. I prefer […]

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