Obamacare Supporter Turns Sour: "One Problem After Another"

While the media grasp to find any positive stories from Obamacare’s wreckage, journalists can’t escape the mounting negative news. Take New Hampshire small business owner Nancy Clark, who last year was featured in a White House video blog. She proudly proclaimed support for Obamacare, calling it “Nancycare,” according to CBS News. But “things haven’t gone […]

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Pro-Obamacare Group Gets $1 Million to Pitch "Success" Stories to Media

Obamacare horror stories have outnumbered successes, even in the liberal mainstream media. But that may soon change now that a pro-Obamacare group is getting $1 million to provide journalists more favorable stories about the President’s health care law. The liberal organization Families USA received a $1 million grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the […]

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Obama paid so called‘Non-partisan’ group $1 million to produce positive Obamacare stories

With the roll out of Obamacare being as disastrous as possible for the Obama administration, one group was given a $1 million grant to help lead a rebranding effort with hopes of salvaging the law in the eyes of the American people. Families USA (FUSA) — an organization that describes itself as a “national nonprofit, non-partisan organization dedicated […]

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Turkey, Pumpkin Pie, and Religious Freedom

Religious freedom is as much a part of Thanksgiving as turkey and pumpkin pie. From 1621, when the Pilgrims arrived in the New World, to 1863, when President Abraham Lincoln declared it a federal holiday, thanking God and practicing religion were of paramount importance. Nearly 400 years after that First Thanksgiving at the Plymouth Plantation, […]

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Obamacare Undermines American Values

We wrote earlier this week about the ways Obamacare discourages marriage and work. These aren’t the only traditional values it undermines. Obamacare goes against two values that should be no-brainers: prioritizing American citizens over non-citizens, and prioritizing help for the disabled over assistance for able-bodied adults. Prioritizing Non-Citizens Over American Citizens Obamacare includes special provisions […]

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Now the Twelfth Imam Can Come

By Robert Spencer Obama to Iran: If you like your nuclear program, you can keep it Period. Among the many who decried the Obama Administration’s catastrophic capitulation to the nuclear ambitions of the Islamic Republic of Iran, none spelled out its potential consequences as trenchantly as Israel’s Economy Minister Naftali Bennett: “We awoke this morning […]

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