Working ObamaCare Exchanges Enroll Only 3 Percent of Goal, While Millions Lose Insurance

The Wall Street Journal reports that only 40,000 to 50,000 have thus far signed up on the federal website. This brings the total number of enrollees (including the 12 states with working sites) to fewer than 100,000. While at least 4.4 million have lost their health insurance. Obama’s target for October alone was 500,000, he […]

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After His Health Plan Was Canceled, The Cheapest Option Under Obamacare Was Anything but Cheap

Despite assurances from his insurance broker, and even the President, that it wouldn’t happen, John Hawkins recently learned his health plan has become another casualty of Obamacare. Hawkins is one of more than 3.5 million Americans (and increasing) who have had their individual health plans canceled because those plans don’t comply with the stringent mandates […]

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Obama and Netanyahu

Obama Turns on Israel

by Daniel Pipes National Review Online, The Corner November 8, 2013 Barack Obama’s March 2013 trip to Israel had a too-good-to-be-true feel about it. While barely pressuring on Israel, he instructed Palestinians not to set preconditions for negotiations and admonished them to “recognize that Israel will be a Jewish state.” It felt out of character, […]

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How Obama Abandoned Iraq

President Obama’s facility for lying has taken center stage once again, as Americans grapple with the reality that they in fact can’t keep their health insurance if they like it. Yet while they remain focused on that debacle, another series of declarations made by the president, namely that al Qaeda was “on the run” and […]

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