Romney greet supporters in New Hampshire

Romney Set to Meet Santorum

Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are set to have a private meeting on Friday in Pittsburgh, Pa. Romney will be looking to gain Santorum’s endorsement – and the delegates that are bound to him under GOP primary rules – prior to the Republican National Convention in August. Santorum is expected to demand assurances that conservatives […]

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Embarrassment in Beijing

On her first visit to China in 2009, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told Chinese leaders that she considered human rights secondary to other, greater issues. “Our pressing on those issues can’t interfere on the global economic crisis, the global climate change crisis and the security crisis,” she said. Have those words ever come back to […]

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Obama’s Giveaway: Oil-Rich Islands to Russia

Exclusive: Joe Miller sounds alarm over deal to put land in hands of Putin’s Kremlin By Joe Miller The Obama administration, despite the nation’s economic woes, effectively killed the job-producing Keystone Pipeline last month. The Arab Spring is turning the oil production of Libya and other Arab nations over to the Muslim Brotherhood. Iraq is […]

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Obama Wants Access to Your Cellphone Records

The Obama administration is pushing for more Marxist policies, now they want to invade your cell phone records. Obama urges the U.S. Congress to pass a law to give investigators freer access to your cellphone records, the Obama administration announced on Thursday. In remarks that raised concern among advocates of civil liberties and privacy. Jason […]

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Hercules Takes on the Obamacare Hydra

The contraception mandate has met yet another foe. On Monday, the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) filed a complaint against Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Kathleen Sebelius on behalf of Hercules Industries, Inc., a family-owned HVAC manufacturer based in Denver, Colorado. Hercules Industries is owned by five family members, all practicing Catholics, who seek […]

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Obama Creates “Green Jobs” – In Other Countries; Obama’s Wasteful Stimulus Spending (VIDEO)

President Obama’s reckless Stimulus spent billions of our tax dollars to create “green jobs”–in foreign countries like Mexico, Finland, and China. The American people deserve to know what’s going on–and that our tax dollars are being wasted on handouts to other countries, instead of creating jobs for 13 million unemployed Americans. With the DNC admitting […]

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