Medicare: Admitting You Have a (Structural) Problem Is the First Step

A new study by the Urban Institute reconfirms a vital fact: Medicare’s massive increase in enrollment, largely attributable to retiring baby boomers, is driving its fiscal instability. This is an important finding, because during the health care debate of 2009, advocates of Obamacare insisted that excess health care cost inflation was the more urgent problem […]

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Bin Laden's Abbottobad Compound

CIA Memo Reveals Admiral, Not Obama, In Charge of Bin Laden Raid

Approximately one year after the assassination of Osama bin Laden, a memo written by former CIA Director Leon Panetta has been obtained, revealing that President Obama was not, in fact, in charge of operation strategy in the hunt for the terrorist mastermind. Panetta received a call from National Security Officer Tom Donilon confirming that President […]

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Ten Indications That Obama Is Scared

Obama is not the cool, calm, and collected guy that he portrays publicly; he’s far from it. Obama is described privately as a thin-skinned hot-head when it comes to questioning his policies, or anything else, for that matter. Though there has been a slight shift upward in Obama’s poll numbers, Obama knows the real temperature […]

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Katie Pavlich on the Scandal of Operation Fast and Furious

Katie Pavlich’s new book, “Fast and Furious,” assembles the devastating evidence that implicates the Obama administration for its ill-advised gun-walking operation and ensuing scandal to mislead Congress and the American people. Few journalists have devoted as much time reporting on Fast and Furious as Pavlich. As the news editor of Townhall, she has asked questions […]

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President Barack Obama

Obama’s Mysterious Campaign Strategy

By Peter Wehner One of the things that have puzzled political commentators is why President Obama is running the campaign he is. Rather than tacking to the center, as Bill Clinton did, Mr. Obama is running a campaign that is based on stoking class resentments and raising taxes on the rich. Rather than laying out […]

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Were Secret Service Prostitutes Really Spies?

A Republican senator Chuck Grassley is raising the possibility that Colombian prostitutes who reportedly had sex with members of the U.S. Secret Service could have actually been Russian spies. “We’re looking at something that is very, very serious when national security might not be protected properly,” Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa said today in a […]

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