Obama Admin: War on Terror is ‘Over’

A B. Hussein Obama Department official has declared, “The war on terror is over.” “Now that we have killed most of al Qaida,” the source said, “now that people have come to see legitimate means of expression, people who once might have gone into al Qaida see an opportunity for a legitimate Islamism.” The article […]

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GOP Backing $680M for Iron Dome Despite Obama’s Attempt To Prune Aid to Israel

US lawmakers are considering an aid allotment of $680 million to strengthen Israel’s Iron Dome short-range rocket shield. The move by Republican lawmakers comes in the face of previous attempts by the Obama administration to prune defense aid to Israel. Senior Republicans Howard McKeon (R-CA) and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) criticized Obama for his lack of […]

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President Obama’s Enemies List

In 1971, America was introduced to President Richard Nixon’s “Enemies List.” The President had instructed staff to keep a list of political opponents, and as then-White House Counsel John Dean described it, they would “use the available federal machinery to screw our political enemies.” On the list were notable figures such as Paul Newman (actor), […]

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The Obama Oil Embargo

From canceling oil leases in his second week in office to denying the XL Pipeline this year President Obama and his administration have offered up a non-stop assault on affordable energy.  Now that high gasoline prices have come home to roost, the president is flailing around for an energy policy. His recent attempts at energy […]

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Israel is Not the Threat, Mr. Obama. Iran is.

The Obama administration appears to be conducting an organized campaign of public pressure to stop Israel from attacking Iran’s well-developed nuclear-weapons program. So intense is this effort, and so determined is President Obama to succeed, that administration officials are now leaking highly sensitive information about Israel’s intentions and capabilities into the news media. The president’s […]

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