Thousands More Oppose Obamacare Mandate’s Religious Liberty Violations

More than 2,500 Christian leaders have signed a letter opposing Obamcare’s anti-conscience mandate. The letter’s release adds to the most recent furor over the rule’s blatant violation of religious liberty and decries the mandate’s coercion of religious employers to subsidize abortion-inducing drugs, contraceptives, and sterilization regardless of moral or religious objections to such services. The […]

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Correcting the Record: Five Half-Truths From Obama on Higher Gas Prices

During a speech on gas prices Thursday in Miami, the President tried to dodge responsibility for the pain Americans are feeling at the pump. Recognizing the trouble these higher prices are causing Americans, the President tried hard to demonstrate his concern over higher prices. But as the video above shows, the President and his Administration […]

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Chart: ‘America’s Debt Worse Than Greece’

Thanks to the office of Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Ala), ranking member on the Senate Budget Committee, sends along this shocking chart, showing that ‘America’s Per Capita Government Debt is Worse off Than Greece,’ as well as Ireland, Italy, France, Portugal, and Spain: Under Obama’s new budget plan, the gross Federal debt alone would reach $75,000 […]

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Rev. Franklin Graham: Obama Helps Islamists, Ignores Christian Persecution

The Rev. Franklin Graham says President Barack Obama has “given Islam a pass,” including ignoring atrocities against Christians in the Muslim world — so much so that the evangelist says he cannot “categorically” say Obama is not a Muslim. In a stunning interview with MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Tuesday, the renowned Christian leader and son […]

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Kerala: God’s own country. But which God ?

by Ranbir Singh   The enticing advertisements by the Department of Tourism by the administration of the Indian state of Kerala entice visitors with seductive images of natural beauty in the tropics, capping it all with the slogan “God’s Own Country”. However it is becoming increasingly apparent that this begs the question, exactly whose ‘god’ […]

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Military Action on Iran Likely

Officials in key parts of the Obama administration are increasingly convinced that sanctions will not deter Tehran from pursuing its nuclear programme, and believe that the US will be left with no option but to launch an attack on Iran or watch Israel do so. The president has made clear in public, and in private […]

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Obama’s Libya

Wherever Obama with NATO intervenes, massacres, mass destruction, and unspeakable horrors and human misery follows, all thanks to Obama and his illegal war in Libya last year. Once Africa’s most developed country, Libya today’s a ravaged, out-of-control charnel house. Tens of thousands died. Multiples more were injured, made homeless, and forcibly displaced, thanks to Obama […]

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Women Testify on the Threats of the Anti-Conscience Mandate

Yesterday, the House Oversight and Government Reform committee held a full committee hearing on the Obamacare anti-conscience mandate’s unprecedented violation of religious liberty, hearing testimony from leaders of faith-based organizations directly affected by the rule’s serious governmental overreach. As early as next August, affected organizations will be forced to either violate their beliefs by paying […]

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Obama Administration Silent on Saudi Journalist Accused of Online Blasphemy

( – The plight of a young Saudi journalist accused of blaspheming Islam’s prophet on the Internet is prompting growing concern around the world, although the Obama administration has been silent on the case so far. Hamza Kashgari, 23, fled his native country last week after his postings on Twitter brought death threats and calls […]

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