Psychopath Obama WH – ‘Too Early’ To Tell If Black Beating Of Handicapped White Man Was A Hate Crime!

It appears Newt Gingrich was right in his outrage at the hypocrisy surrounding the kidnapping and abuse of a mentally-ill white teen by four young black assailants. Despite the suspects shouting “fuck Donald Trump” and “fuck white people”, Chicago police said today that they do not believe the attack was motivated by race, more likely […]

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Leftist Racism: My (black only, please) Brother’s Keeper

By Matthew Vadum A few days ago President Obama offered up non-specific, feel-good pabulum in a speech at the final White House My Brother’s Keeper National Summit. My Brother’s Keeper is a highly controversial, racist, blatantly unconstitutional mentoring program. It was created specifically by Obama to help young black men and no one else. Author […]

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Statistics: TWICE as many WHITE PEOPLE were killed by police this year so far

Mark Dice Almost TWICE as many WHITE PEOPLE were killed by police this year so far, than black people, yet the mainstream media and their Black Lives Matter propagandists on social media are trying to convince everyone that cops are “hunting” black people and that there is an “institutional white supremacy” problem in law enforcement. […]

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Do ‘White Lives Matter’ in Charlotte? Internet Outrage Grows After Protests Turn Violent

The ongoing riots in Charlotte over the police shooting of Keith Lamont Scott has some outraged observers wondering if “white lives matter.”  Influential finance blogger Zero Hedge, among others, have drawn attention to a video posted on social media that appears to show black Charlotte rioters “beating, dragging, stripping, and laughing at an innocent white man.” Many were […]

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Sorry, media: Black Charlotte chief says suspect had a gun, which is why black officer shot him

By Dan Calabrese Not that there is ever a good reason to have a riot, but the Charlotte rioters might be interested to know they bought a line of crap from the media, which just sent 23 people to the hospital and unleashed hours of chaos in the streets for no reason whatsoever. White-cops-shoot-unarmed-black-man? Don’t […]

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CNN Implies Blacks Won’t Vote GOP if Trump Doesn’t Give Felons Voting Rights

CNN posted a racist headline on Sunday linking African American voters to felons, reading: “Trump wants GOP to court black voters — then slams voting rights for felons.” A CNN article published on Sunday by CNN’s Ashley Killough and Karl de Vries is about the Republican nominee’s recent outreach to African American voters during his […]

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Sheriff David Clarke on race riots: Progressive policies hit black community like a nuclear blast

By Robert Laurie Dear media outlets, All the violence we’ve been witnessing in Milwaukee for the last few days? Yeah, that’s not a “protest.” You keep calling it that, but the fact is you’re just plain wrong. These are “riots.” Ugly, violent, racist, riots. I know, I know. You get all uncomfortable when you’re forced […]

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