Rebel News Reporter Fined $1440 For Reporting on Freedom Rally in Ontario and “Shaking Hands” with Attendees (VIDEO)

Ontario, Canada – A Rebel News reporter on Sunday was fined $1440 for reporting on a Freedom Rally and “shaking hands” with one of the attendees. The officer walked up to the reporter and said he violated the law for getting too close to people and shaking hands. “I have you here in violation of […]

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Ukrainian 752 Shoot-Down Mirrors Fate of TWA 800

By Jack Cashill Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau is saying out loud what others have been thinking since the news broke that Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 crashed soon after taking off from the airport in Tehran — namely, that “the plane was shot down by an Iranian surface-to-air missile,” likely unintentionally. According to the New […]

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Iran Bulldozed Crash Site and Removed Virtually All Pieces of Downed Ukrainian Plane

Ukrainian Airlines plane carrying 180 passengers and crew crashed Wednesday morning just minutes after takeoff from Tehran, Iran! This came on the same night that Iran fired over a dozen missiles at US bases in Iraq. Al Hadath Dubai News reported a missile took down the Ukrainian flight after the crash on Wednesday. Tweets were translated) Al […]

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University Chiefs Weigh In on U of Toronto Anti-Semitic Kosher Controversy

The leaders of Israel’s seven universities are expressing their outrage over the University of Toronto’s Graduate Student Union conflating a kosher food program with support for Israel. “Just when we thought that we’d seen it all regarding the ascent of anti-Semitism masquerading as anti-Zionism on campus, the Graduate Student Union at the University of Toronto […]

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Honest Muslim Tells us the Truth: Executing gays may sound “unfair” , but it’s Sharia law

No Islamophobia here, this is strait from the horses mouth, the truth of Islam and its teachings. This guy is more honest than the politicians and more respectful than the liberals The honesty was refreshing albeit highly disturbing: A Muslim Al Quds Day protester in Toronto on June 1 advocates that Canada should be ruled […]

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Mentally ill? The media or the terrorist?

No sooner was it revealed that the Toronto mass murderer was a 29-year-old Muslim of Pakistani descent, ‘consultants’ and ‘experts’ lined up on various TV networks twisting themselves into halal pretzels, trying to avoid the elephant in the room staring at them — a Muslim hate crime. Within hours CBC News obtained an unsigned letter […]

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The Gross Cultural Appropriation Sideshow of the Trudeau Family in India

  It’s interesting that every Halloween we have to hear from rabid race purists about how our toddlers will offend the sensibilities of minorities if they wear culturally insensitive costumes. These same people adore Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and fawn over his every move. #TrudeauInIndia is trending on Twitter, showing the Trudeaus in crazy […]

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