How Capitalism Saved Sweden From The Evils of Socialism

Fortunately for its citizens, but unfortunately for those who think Sweden is still socialist, the Swedish government, more or less by universal consensus, turned sharply back toward capitalism beginning in about 1995. BY MICHAEL MUNGER Josh Billings famously diagnosed a problem with beliefs: “I honestly believe it is better to know nothing than to know what […]

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Big Corporate Welfare and Big Government Go Hand-in-Hand

Big corporations and big government go hand-in-hand. Washington Examiner writer Timothy Carney states that, “as the federal government has progressively become larger over the decades, every significant introduction of government regulation, taxation, and spending has been to the benefit of some big business.” We must stand together and call for an end to all forms of corporate […]

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Omar: End ‘Capitalist System.’ Guarantee Jobs, Housing, Medicare and Abortion for All

In the new nation that Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota seeks to create, the “capitalist system” will be left behind in pursuit of a “fair and just economy” where the federal government guarantees everybody jobs, housing, health care and free abortions. How can we know this? She has declared it in writing. Omar’s campaign […]

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Is Capitalism Moral?

Is capitalism moral or greedy? If it’s based on greed and selfishness, what’s the best alternative economic system? Perhaps socialism? And if capitalism is moral, what makes it so? Walter Williams, a renowned economist at George Mason University, answers these questions and more. Is capitalism moral? Walter Williams says yes, it is the most moral […]

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The Era of the Limousine Liberal is Back

Hillary Clinton is not the only prominent, rich liberal who is having trouble articulating their vast concern for the poor and income inequality.  Recently, there has been a rash of major liberal figures downplaying the fact that American capitalism has been quite good for them, while attempting to hamstring it for the rest of America. […]

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