Trump Signs Executive Order Rolling Back Obama Environmental Regs

( – President Donald Trump signed an executive order on energy Tuesday at the Environmental Protection Agency, undoing “a number” of Obama administration environmental regulations. “Perhaps no single regulation threatens our miners, energy workers, and companies more than this crushing attack on American industry,” Trump said as he signed the executive order. The order rescinds […]

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Should This Policeman Be In Prison?

His supporters say that no one deserves a new trial more than Daniel Holtzclaw, the former Oklahoma City police officer convicted of being a serial rapist and sentenced to 263 years in prison. Holtzclaw has maintained his innocence from the start, and unlike the case with his accusers, his recounting of the facts has never […]

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Sen. Graham on Gorsuch: ‘I Want to Congratulate President Trump,’ He ‘Chose Wisely’

( — In reference to President Donald Trump’s nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), a frequent Trump critic, said he wanted “to congratulate the president” for choosing “wisely.” He added, however, that Trump’s questioning of a federal judge’s impartiality back in 2016  “was really out of bounds” and compared Trump’s comments […]

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The DOJ’s Latest Misbehavior

For the past decade, John Fund, J. Christian Adams, and I have been writing about the misbehavior, unethical conduct, and lack of professionalism exhibited by lawyers inside the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Justice Department, including the Voting Section. The situation apparently has not improved, given the serious accusations of unprofessional conduct made by […]

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Rep. Jim Jordan: ‘Let’s Repeal Obamacare, Not Create Some Different Form of Obamacare’

( – Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), a founding member of the House Freedom Caucus, told “Fox News Sunday” that instead of voting for the House version of Obamacare repeal and replace, House Republicans should use the budget reconciliation plan to pass a clean repeal of Obamacare, and Jordan believes President Donald Trump will sign it. […]

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Americans Deserve a Leaner, More Efficient, Less Expensive Federal Gov’t

This is a big week for the executive branch of the federal government. Yesterday, President Trump signed an executive order entitled “Comprehensive Plan for Reorganizing the Executive Branch” and this morning CEI released my colleague Wayne Crews’ newest study on regulatory reform, “Mapping Washington’s Lawlessness: An Inventory of “Regulatory Dark Matter.” The new directive from […]

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Mexican sewage spill flares US noses and tempers

IMPERIAL BEACH, Calif. (AP) — Residents in a Southern California beach city are furious that U.S. and Mexican officials waited weeks to alert them to an estimated 143 million gallons of sewage that spilled across the border from Tijuana, Mexico. The International Boundary and Water Commission said Thursday that it is investigating. An official with […]

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Obama’s Intelligence Chief Says ‘No Evidence’ of Trump-Russian Collusion; Fake News Focus on Wiretap Denial

( – Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on Sunday denied knowledge of any wire-tapping of then-nominee or president-elect Donald Trump – but in an assertion receiving considerably less press attention also stated he had no knowledge of evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. Clapper appeared on NBC’s “Meet the Press” […]

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