Amid Election Recount, 4 Things to Know About Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger

As Georgia conducts a recount of its presidential vote that has become the focus of national attention, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger—Georgia’s elections official in charge of certifying the hotly contested results—has come under increased scrutiny and criticism. Here are four things to know about Raffensperger: 1. He was elected Georgia secretary of state in […]

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6 Takeaways as Facebook, Twitter CEOs Testify at Senate Hearing

The CEOs of Twitter and Facebook returned Tuesday to Capitol Hill, this time to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee. While focused on Twitter’s blocking of a New York Post story about the Biden family’s business dealings overseas and the social media giants’ immunity from lawsuit under the Communications Decency Act, the hearing veered into […]

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Student Loan Forgiveness Is a Regressive Policy that Hurts Working-Class Americans

Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., along with Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., are calling on the next administration to forgive $50,000 in student loan debt for every borrower through executive order, doing so, in Schumer’s words, “with the pen as opposed to legislation.” As higher education scholar Preston Cooper writes, “At a cost of roughly […]

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Effort to Win Georgia Senate Races by Bringing in Out-of-Staters to Vote Is Illegal

Celebrities and politicians urging people to visit Georgia and falsely claim residency for the sole purpose of voting in two critical U.S. Senate runoff elections Jan. 5 are advocating criminal actions and should be ashamed of themselves. This call for voter fraud should be rejected. The Georgia runoff elections are extraordinarily important because they will determine which […]

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Here’s Who Progressives Want to See in Biden’s Cabinet

Two leading progressive groups released a list comprised of left-wing politicians, activists, and union leaders Wednesday who they would like to see in former Vice President Joe Biden’s future cabinet. Justice Democrats and the Sunrise Movement created a list outlining the groups’ top three picks for several cabinet positions like secretary of state and attorney general and […]

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Religious Liberty on Trial in Supreme Court’s Foster Care Case

Foster parents offer hope and critical support to children facing tremendous challenges. But the city of Philadelphia has threatened that hope by telling longtime foster parents that they can’t work with Catholic Social Services because of the religious organization’s belief in marriage as the union of one man and one woman.  The case Fulton v. […]

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Will Trump Ride Off Into the Sunset?

I once wrote that whenever Donald Trump exits office, he will likely leave as a “tragic hero.” Over two millennia ago, the Athenian tragedian Sophocles first described the archetype in his portraits of an angry and old but still fearsome Ajax, and heroic but stubborn and self-fixated Antigone. In the iconic John Ford Western “The […]

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Problematic Women: Why Election 2020 Is a ‘Proud Lady Moment’ in History

The 2020 election was a major win for conservative women in the House of Representatives. Come January, more women will have seats in Congress than ever before in the history of the nation.  Jessica Anderson, executive director of Heritage Action for America, the grassroots partner organization of The Heritage Foundation, joins “Problematic Women” to discuss […]

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