Why I’m Voting for Trump

by Daniel Pipes Boston Globe October 20, 2020 We Elect a Team, Not a Person Faced with the choice between voting for Donald Trump or Joe Biden, Gallup finds that one-quarter of Americans say “neither would be a good president.” Unsurprisingly, some are inclined to vote for a third-party candidate. I understand that urge, having […]

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Reservations about the Trump Peace Plan

by Daniel Pipes Washington Times January 29, 2020 Along with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, all my friends are delighted with Donald Trump’s plan to solve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. I agree that, in contrast with prior presidential plans, this one has much to commend it; unlike the Carter, Reagan, Clinton, and George W. Bush proposals, it […]

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The Demon in Liberalism

by Daniel Pipes Washington Times July 14, 2019 “Why has Sweden become the North Korea of Europe?” That’s what a Dane semi-facetiously asked Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks at a conference I attended in 2014. Vilks unconvincingly muttered about Swedes’ partiality for consensus. Now, along comes Ryszard Legutko, a Polish professor of philosophy and leading politician, […]

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Making Sense of Palestinian Logic

by Daniel Pipes May 4, 2019 Cross-posted from National Review Online Palestinians do weird things: A few days ago, the Palestinian Authority (PA), which rules most of the West Bank, refused to accept the tax revenues it is owed by the Israeli government. Today, Hamas, which rules all of Gaza, launched more than 200 rockets against […]

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Ike’s Gamble

When Michael Doran of the Hudson Institute told me he’s writing a book on President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Middle East policy, I nodded politely, wondering why someone engaged in current policy issues would devote himself to a topic of mainly antiquarian interest. Well, having now read Ike’s Gamble, I know the answer: his topic is […]

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Turkey is More Oppressive than the USSR

by Daniel Pipes Feb 22, 2017 Cross-posted from National Review Online I participated yesterday in a conference about the eastern Mediterranean at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA) just outside Tel Aviv; and because Tel Aviv is the diplomatic center of Israel, its events attract a good number of diplomats. Yesterday was no exception, […]

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Smoking Out Islamists via Extreme Vetting

by Daniel Pipes Middle East Quarterly Spring 2017 Donald Trump issued an executive order on Jan. 27 establishing radically new procedures to deal with foreigners who apply to enter the United States. Building on his earlier notion of “extreme vetting,” the order explains that to protect Americans, the United States must ensure that those admitted […]

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The Way to Peace: Israeli Victory, Palestinian Defeat

by Daniel Pipes Commentary January 2017 Israeli-Palestinian diplomacy sadly fits the classic description of insanity: “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” The identical assumptions – land-for-peace and the two-state solution, with the burden primarily on Israel – stay permanently in place, no matter how often they fail. Decades of […]

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The Way to Peace: Israeli Victory, Palestinian Defeat

by Daniel Pipes Commentary January 2017 Israeli-Palestinian diplomacy sadly fits the classic description of insanity: “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” The identical assumptions – land-for-peace and the two-state solution, with the burden primarily on Israel – stay permanently in place, no matter how often they fail. Decades of […]

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