Promise Made, Promise Kept: “Electricity Rates Would Necessarily Skyrocket”

This morning, the Obama administration will announce new EPA rules that will keep the president’s infamous promise that “electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.” The promise was so clear, so brazen, that it’s worth taking another look.  The president’s plan would indeed cause a surge in electricity bills – costs stand to go up $17 billion every year.  But it would also shut down […]

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The Future of Cars: Electric, Natural Gas, Driverless, and More

(Photo: Marcin Wichary) Ten years from now, electric (EV), hybrid and natural-gas powered cars will make some, albeit not yet decisive, inroads in our lives. There are economic, lifestyle and technological reasons for this. First, it is the technology of hydraulic fracturing, and improved 3-D seismic and imaging techniques, which provides us with the ability […]

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C’mon, Obama, Join the Energy Boom

An energy project that would be good for the U.S economy, can be built without taxpayer help, and would have little to no environmental impact? That’s the Keystone pipeline President Obama keeps blocking. A new environmental impact statement released Friday said again that the Keystone XL pipeline is safe. “It finds that the pipeline, a […]

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Gas Pipeline

Mideast Gas a Chance for USA to Break with Turkey

The natural gas fields in the Mediterranean provide the United States with an opportunity to break with Turkey, according to Seth Cropsey, formerly the deputy undersecretary of the Navy in the Reagan and George H. W. Bush administrations. “Politics and alliances in the eastern Mediterranean are shifting, and the region’s security framework is splintering,” Cropsey […]

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Fueling Cronyism

Newscom No one knows how much ethanol Americans would use if the fuel didn’t receive preferential treatment. Would we use any at all? We do know it has drawbacks as compared to gasoline. Ethanol has less energy, so it reduces fuel efficiency and increases costs. It can damage small engines such as lawn mowers and […]

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