A mosque near Beit El

Mosques in Israel to get Millions for Security, Nothing for Synagogues

The Ministry of the Interior will invest an estimated 15 million shekels in protecting mosques and monasteries from vandals, IDF Radio (Galei Tzahal) reports. Currently, there is no plan to provide Jewish holy places with similar protection. Minister Gidon Saar has reportedly approved funding for extra security, including security cameras, for dozens of Muslim and […]

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US Sen Lindsey Graham

Graham: ‘It’s People Like This That You Don’t Want to Let Out of Your Sight’

(CNSNews.com) – Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), appearing Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union With Candy Crowley,” said the FBI dropped the ball on Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the older of the two Boston Marathon bombing suspects. In 2011, responding to concerns raised by the Russian government, the FBI looked into Tamerlan’s activities, but the FBI said […]

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The Idiocy of John Kerry: Equates Turkish Flotilla Raid With Boston Terror, Likens Terrorists to Victims

John Kerry equated the Boston Marathon bombing with Israel’s raid on the Mavi Marmara raid. AP writes: Mr. Kerry said he understood the anger and frustration of those Turks who lost friends and family in the raid. Mr. Kerry, a former Massachusetts senator, said last week’s Boston Marathon bombings made him acutely aware of the […]

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Russian Nuclear Missile

U.S. Missile Defense: A Force for Protection, Not Aggression

Newscom In a speech delivered Tuesday at the Russian embassy in London, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin claimed that the American missile defense shield no longer poses a threat to Russia. This statement contradicts years of Russian officials’ objections to the presence of U.S. missiles near the Russian border, claiming they were being “pointed […]

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EU Foreign Ministers Back Labeling of ‘Settlement Products’ Thereby Backing Palestinians and Terror

EU foreign ministers, among them Britain’s William Hague and Laurent Fabius of France, have said they will back EU efforts to label products from Israeli communities in Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem, according to a letter obtained by AFP on Friday. “We warmly welcome your commitment to work with fellow commissioners to prepare EU-wide guidelines […]

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Rabbi Warns Dutch about Fatwa against Churches and Synagogues

Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) in Los Angeles, visited the Netherlands last week to speak with leading politicians, top terror experts and Jewish community leaders about internet hate and incitement to terror. Rabbi Cooper, during whose visit the terror attacks at the Boston marathon took place, said that in […]

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Senator DeMint

DeMint on Fox News: Gang of Eight Plan Won’t Fix Immigration System

On “Your World with Neil Cavuto” this afternoon, Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint talked about the Gang of Eight immigration bill and the cost of granting amnesty to illegal immigrants. DeMint called the plan a repeat of the failed 2007 comprehensive bill. “We shouldn’t do amnesty first because we cannot trust Congress to secure our […]

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New rehabilitation center for Al-Qaeda terrorists in Riyadh

Saudi Arabia Builds Luxury Rehab Spa Center for Terrorist Prisoners

Saudi Arabia is hoping to wean jailed Al-Qaeda terrorists off religious extremism with counselling, spa treatments and plenty of exercise at a luxury rehabilitation center in Riyadh, AFP reported on Friday. In between sessions with counselors and talks on religion, prisoners will be able to relax in the center’s facilities which include an Olympic-size indoor […]

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