John Kerry Faces Tough Questions on U.S. Security Abroad

Patsy Lynch/Polaris/Newscom Secretary of State John Kerry will be under scrutiny by the House Foreign Affairs Committee (HFAC) Wednesday morning at 9:30 a.m., testifying at a hearing entitled “Securing U.S. Interests Abroad: The FY 2014 Foreign Affairs Budget.” It could be a rough morning for the former Senator. HFAC Chairman Representative Ed Royce (R–CA) stated: […]

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Dan bus bombed in Tel Aviv

Leftist Group Memorializes Terrorists

A group of Israeli protestors demonstrated against a Memorial Day event that commemorated the lives of IDF soldiers who fell in battle – and the lives of the terrorists they fought against. The leftist “Lochamim Leshalom” (“Fighting for Peace”) group were faced with dozens of parents of Israelis killed in terror attacks, and IDF soldiers […]

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Cloakroom: Cybersecurity and Guns

House Cloakroom: April 15 – April 19 Analysis: This week, the House will turn its focus to cybersecurity. It will take up a bill that is intended to promote information sharing between private entities to increase their ability to manage cyber threats. The House passed a related piece of legislation last Congress and is renewing […]

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Hugo Chavez

Venezuela Presidential Election: Continuing the Chavez Decline

David Fernandez/Newscom Voters go to the polls on Sunday, April 14, to elect Venezuela’s next president. Snap elections followed the March 5 death of the authoritarian populist Hugo Chavez. It appears likely that voters will choose Nicolas Maduro, interim president, and Chavez’s handpicked successor, over opposition candidate Henrique Capriles. A dying Chavez defeated Capriles on […]

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Heritage Libertad Podcast: Post-Chavez Venezuela and Jay Z and Beyonce’s Visit to Cuba

ALEJANDRO ERNESTO/EPA/Newscom What are we to make of Jay-Z and Beyonce’s trip to Cuba? And can we really expect a better U.S.–Venezuela relationship now that Hugo Chavez is out of the picture? Wonder no more because we’ve got some answers in this month’s installment of the Heritage Libertad podcast. Joining us is The Heritage Foundation’s […]

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Civil war in Syria

Support Syria’s Assad

by Daniel Pipes The Washington Times April 11, 2013 N.B.: Washington Times title: “The Case for Assad.” Analysts agree that “the erosion of the Syrian regime’s capabilities is accelerating,” that it step-by-step continues to retreat, making a rebel breakthrough and an Islamist victory increasingly likely. In response, I am changing my policy recommendation from neutrality […]

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