Obama & Israeli Flag

US Revives 2002 Arab Peace Initiative

April 9, 2013 15:35 by Pesach Benson 1. John Kerry’s resurrecting the 2002 Arab peace initiative — with tweaks. AP writes: The 2002 initiative that Kerry wants to revive parts of would have provided Israel recognition throughout the Arab world in exchange for a pullout from territory conquered in 1967 . . . Kerry, however, […]

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Obama: ‘Prohibit’ Americans from Saving More Than $3M in Retirement Accounts

(CNSNews.com) – President Barack Obama’s proposed budget would simultaneously compel Americans to enroll in a tax-deferred retirement account and “prohibit” them from saving more than $3 million in such accounts. That sum, Obama’s budget argues, is all that is “needed to fund reasonable levels of retirement saving.” Under current law, American who save money in […]

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IRS claims they can read your e-mail and other electronic communications without a warrant

According to documents recently obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) believes they have the authority to read the private e-mail messages, Facebook chats and other online communications of Americans without obtaining a warrant. This probably isn’t surprising given the blatant nature of the government’s illegal spying at this […]

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Obama Budget Ends Funding for D.C. School Choice Program

MICHAEL REYNOLDS/EPA/Newscom Yesterday, Education Secretary Arne Duncan testified before the House Appropriations Committee about Obama’s fiscal year (FY) 2014 budget request for the Department of Education. Congressman Andy Harris (R–MD) took the opportunity to question Duncan about a glaring omission from the budget: funding for the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program (DCOSP). The DCOSP provides vouchers […]

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The Diversity of the Founding

World History Archive/Newscom In the latest paper in the Makers of American Political Thought series, Colleen Sheehan looks at the long career of James Madison. In it, we see that “diversity” was a key component of the American Founding. Of course, Madisonian diversity had nothing to do with tallying up racial, ethnic, or sexual identity. […]

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North Korea: Assessing Its Nuclear Capabilities

Questions over North Korea’s nuclear capabilities have again skyrocketed into the headlines—not because of another threat by Pyongyang but instead by a U.S. intelligence assessment. The existence of a new classified Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report was disclosed during a congressional hearing by Representative Doug Lamborn (R–CO). According to Lamborn, “DIA assesses with moderate confidence […]

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BETRAYAL! 16 Republican Senators Advocate for Gun Control Today (See Entire List)

BETRAYAL! 16 REPUBLICANS SELLOUT TODAY! SAVE THE SECOND AMENDMENT! SHOUT AT CONGRESS: SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED! URGENT ALERT: THANKS TO 16 GOP TRAITORS, Obama and Dirty Harry got their cloture gun control victory in the Senate! Cloture by Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) on the gun grab package means he and Obama’s other minions – including […]

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Arab terrorist

Why Are Only Jews Referred to as Terrorists in the Media?

April 10, 2013 14:17 by Simon Plosker HonestReporting has long campaigned for the international media to call terrorism exactly what it is instead of using judgment-neutral terminology, such as “militants”,”extremists”, “fighters” or “gunmen.” Yaakov “Jack” Teitel, a US-born Israeli resident of the West Bank was sentenced on Tuesday to two consecutive life terms in prison […]

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Yet Again, Obama Calls for Reducing Charitable Contribution Deduction

Tetra Images Tetra Images/Newscom Like past budget proposals, President Obama’s new budget plan calls—again—for lowering the charitable contribution deduction. The current tax code allows individuals to deduct their giving from their overall tax liability at a rate equal to their tax bracket. Obama wants to cap the charitable deduction at what it would be for […]

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