Russian Orphan Adoption Ban Protests May Be Harbingers of Instability

Thousands of opposition protesters carry posters of President Vladimir Putin and members of the Russian parliament with the word “Shame” written in red. (Photo: Jeremy Nicholl/Polaris/Newscom) On Sunday, the Russian New Year’s Eve (in the old-style Julian calendar), tens of thousands of Muscovites poured into the city center to protest the new law banning adoption […]

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Gambling Taxpayer Money on a High-Speed Train to Vegas

Even as the President and Congress have again failed to deal with the genuine fiscal threats facing the nation, the Department of Transportation (DOT) is considering gambling $5.5 billion in taxpayer funds on a high-speed train to Las Vegas. The loan could be approved under the Federal Railroad Administration’s Railroad Rehabilitation and Improvement Financing (RRIF) […]

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Michigan Right-to-Work Law: How to Fight for the Freedom to Work

Face to Face Photography Last month, a special session of the Michigan legislature passed and Governor Rick Snyder (R–MI) signed right-to-work legislation, which outlaws compulsory union membership. “This simply means that workers will no longer be forced to join a union,” noted Ed Feulner, president of The Heritage Foundation, at the time. “They will still […]

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The Giglio Smear: When Faith Is Called Bigotry

Pastor Louie Giglio, whose Passion Movement has raised millions of dollars toward ending sex trafficking, removed himself from offering the benediction at President Obama’s second inauguration after previous statements on biblical sexual ethics came to light. On January 9, the liberal political blog Think Progress brought attention to a sermon from the 1990s in which […]

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Global Warming Alarmists Pick and Choose Data to Support Theory

The “think globally” people become very parochial when the global warming story isn’t as scary sounding as the local one. Climate change activists took the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) recent report showing 2012 to be the warmest on record for the continental United States, did a little geographic sleight of hand, and spun […]

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