Chart of the Week: Sequestration Reduces Defense as Budget Priority

The Obama Administration released its sequestration report more than a week late, but other than a 9.4 percent reduction in discretionary national defense funding, there are few other details, according to The Heritage Foundation’s Brian Slattery. He describes President Obama’s own budget request as one that would “dramatically shrink” the defense budget. Reductions in the […]

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Texas Should Steer Clear of NCLB Waivers

In a “surprise” move, Texas announced last Thursday that it would seek a No Child Left Behind (NCLB) waiver from the U.S. Department of Education. The Obama Administration’s waivers, touted under the banner of providing “flexibility” and “relief” from the onerous provisions of NCLB, in reality replace the federal overreach of NCLB with more federal […]

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“A Battle for the Soul of Islam”

With violence erupting throughout the Arab world, it was a fitting time for Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser to stop by The Heritage Foundation to discuss his book A Battle for the Soul of Islam: An American Muslim Patriot’s Fight to Save His Faith. As a Muslim who is also a first-generation American and an 11-year […]

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New Administration Report Gives Few Details on Sequestration’s Military Cuts

The White House is attempting to use the U.S. military as a bargaining chip to force Congress to raise taxes—the looming “sequestration” budget cuts were never supposed to happen, because Congress was supposed to come to a budget agreement. Now the military faces deep, across-the-board cuts. The President has attempted to pass blame on the […]

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War Preparations

What You Will Need if Israel is Attacked

A lot of Israelis have secured their gas masks in case of a war with Iran.  But what else will they need to prepare for? And what does everyone need to prepare for if there is a war with Iran? Could a war spill over to American bases, installations and population centers? If Iran retaliates, they have threatened to hit American […]

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Palestinian Censors Mute Townhall Meeting

Palestinian Censors Mute Townhall Meeting September 13, 2012 15:39 by Pesach Benson   Today’s Top Stories: 1. It turns out that Israel had no connection to the film at the heart of yesterday’s embassy attacks. First, Jeffrey Goldberg began fact-checking what we thought we knew about “Sam Bacile,” the video’s alleged Israeli writer and director. […]

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Another Islamist Assault, Another Western Cringe

by Daniel Pipes The Boston Herald September 13, 2012 BH title: “Weak resolve enables jihadists” Attacks on Tuesday against American missions in Cairo and Benghazi fit into a familiar pattern of Islamist intimidation and Western appeasement that goes back to the Salman Rushdie affair in 1989. The Obama administration’s supine response to the murder of […]

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Mekorot worker fixes pipe

Israel’s Mekorot Water Company to Set Up Clean, Reliable Water Supply & Raise Living Standard for India

Israel’s Mekorot water company has signed its first major contract in India. Mekorot, through its development subsidiary, will build a water control system and smart metering system to prevent waste. The project, which includes extensive cooperation with local water suppliers, will be set up in the Indian state of Utar Pradesh. A delegation of Mekorot […]

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