Fareed Zakaria’s Poverty of Ideas

Globe-trotting journalist Fareed Zakaria is on suspension from his posts at CNN and TIME magazine after he admitted to plagiarizing sections of a column on gun control. But the physical plagiarism isn’t the real problem with Zakaria’s work. He could have solved that with some quotation marks and a hyperlink. What should be a larger […]

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Administration’s DREAMer Policies Fail to Solve the Nation’s Immigration Challenges

Today, the Obama Administration’s policy of deferred action for so-called DREAMers goes into effect. The policy, announced by President Obama on June 15, will allow as many as 1.7 million illegal immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as youths to apply to stay in the U.S. for two years without facing deportation. While praised […]

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Heritage Intern Award Winners: A “Path to Prosperity” for Our Generation

Each semester, we bring together more than 60 young leaders from across the country to participate in our internship program in D.C. They are given the opportunity of practical experience working on policy research, marketing, and business, and training in communication skills like blogging and public speaking. They learn about America’s founding principles while visiting important […]

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Morsi and new Vice President Judge Mahmoud Mekki

Morsi: Decisions to Retire Top Military & Cancel Order Against Him Not Directed at Individuals

Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi said on Sunday that his decision to order the retirement of Egypt’s top generals and cancel a military order that had curbed his powers was not directed at individuals or embarrassing institutions. “The decisions I took today were not meant ever to target certain persons, nor did I intend to embarrass […]

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Morsi Ousts Egyptian Military Leaders

Morsi Ousts Egyptian Military Leaders August 13, 2012 10:50 by Pesach Benson Everything you need to know about today’s coverage of Israel and the Mideast. Join the Israel Daily News Stream on Facebook. Today’s Top Stories 1. Simon Plosker got op-ed space in the Jerusalem Post to expand on HonestReporting’s legal victory over The Guardian: […]

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HR Comment: Righting a Capital Offense

HR Comment: Righting a Capital Offense August 14, 2012 13:23 by Simon Plosker This opinion piece by Simon Plosker, HonestReporting’s Managing Editor, was originally published in the Jerusalem Post. When HonestReporting filed a complaint with the UK’s Press Complaints Commission in response to The Guardian’s labeling of Tel Aviv as Israel’s capital, we did so expecting […]

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Rural Utilities Create Zero Jobs Despite $47 Million in Stimulus Funding

A stimulus program designed to create jobs by funding rural utility projects has created only about 12% of the jobs projected at the outset of the program in a sample of towns recently examined by the Agriculture Department’s Inspector General. The IG examined 22 local utilities and government agencies to receive stimulus money. The Rural Utilities […]

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Ex-Im Bank Makes $2 Billion Loan for South Africa Green-Energy Projects

The U.S. Export-Import Bank inked a $2 billion clean-energy loan offer with South Africa to help fund the country’s green-energy push and drum up sales for America’s renewable industry, according to an announcement made last week. The 18-year loans will target wind, solar and thermal power in particular, said Fred Hochberg, Ex-Im chairman and president. […]

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