New Heritage Series Profiles Woodrow Wilson: The Godfather of Liberalism

Woodrow Wilson came to Washington in 1913, and he never left. He’s the only President buried in D.C. He became the first President since John Adams to personally address Congress, thus creating the spectacle that grew into the modern State of the Union address. And we’re all still living under an administrative state Wilson envisioned […]

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Trading Up to Create Better Jobs

According to a recent USA Today/Gallup poll, creating good jobs should be the number one priority for the next President. One of the best ways to create good jobs is to expand free trade. Consider the following numbers: In the five years after the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) took effect on January 1, […]

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Indiana Superintendent: Obama Administration Nationalized Common Core Standards

At a Tea Party gathering last month, Indiana Schools Superintendent Tony Bennett expressed his concern with the growing federal overreach of Common Core education standards. “This administration has an insatiable appetite for federal overreach,” he said. “The federal government’s involvement in these standards is wrong.” The Indianapolis Star adds: Bennett pointed out that the Common […]

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Chick-fil-A Boycott Backfires – Religious Persecution

Liberal activists and Democratic politicians have attempted to demonize the Chick-fil-A restaurant franchise because of its owner’s religious views supporting a traditional biblical marriage. They’ve urged a boycott of the restauarant chain, their plans completely backfired and the opposite happened. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and a Chicago Alderman thinking they are dictators have even gone […]

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Economic Freedom: The Freedom to Choose

A recent Pew Research Center study, The American-Western European Values Gap, shows that the U.S. is unique in its percentages of: People who believe that “freedom to pursue life’s goals without state interference” is more important than “state guarantees [that] nobody is in need,” People who disagree that “success in life is determined by forces […]

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Administration Jeopardizes Export Control Reform Through Ill-Timed Waiver

An ongoing sale of communications satellites to a Hong Kong–based company is attracting a great deal of attention at the moment. Space Systems/Loral, a major U.S. satellite manufacturer, contracted in 2011 to manufacture two communications satellites, AsiaSat-6 and AsiaSat-8, for Asia Satellite Telecommunications (AsiaSat). The contract was initialed soon after AsiaSat-7, another Loral communications satellite, […]

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Chick-fil-A supporters turn out in droves

After several weeks of leftist protests and dictatorial like leftist mayoral calls to ban conservative businesses in their cities,  all this stemming from Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy’s  public comments  of supporting a traditional Christian marriage.  He was attacked by the left for having Christian values, and an opinion. At Chick-fil-A locations across the country, people voted with their wallets as hundreds of thousands of supporters of the fast-food chain, right to religion […]

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Liberty-Crushing HHS Mandate Takes Effect August 1

Tomorrow, the government’s liberty-crushing mandate that has elicited widespread outcry and led a federal judge to grant a preliminary injunction against the rule for a for-profit business will officially take effect. On August 1, Obamacare’s preventive health services mandate will be implemented, and with it the Health and Human Services (HHS) anti-conscience mandate. After Wednesday, […]

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