Pakistan Says It Captured Bin Laden Aide

Pakistan says it has arrested senior Al Qaeda terrorist Younis al-Mauritani, who took orders from Osama Bin Laden before he was killed. U.S. intelligence assisted in capturing him along with two aides. “Mauritani was tasked personally by Osama Bin Laden to focus on hitting targets of economic importance in United States of America, Europe and […]

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Operation Fast and Furious: An Obama Foreign Policy Disconnect

During the past week, the U.S. and Colombia indicted and arrested more than 50 individuals charged with organizing maritime and aerial smuggling of cocaine from Colombia to the U.S. via Central America and Mexico. The arrests again reflect the sustained nature of close law enforcement cooperation between the U.S. and Colombia. This cooperation has been […]

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A Jobless Labor Day

Job-seekers (L) talk to employers (R) during an outdoor job fair at the Crenshaw Christian Center in South Los Angeles August. 31, 2011. For 14 million unemployed Americans and their families, this Labor Day will not be a happy one. Instead of enjoying a day off of work, they’re suffering a disturbing trend under the […]

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The Walls That Divide Europe

(Herbert London) Walls can be used to keep people in and keep people out, as was true of he Berlin Wall erected in 1961 and today of the walls being erected throughout Europe. These contemporary walls operate under the name of “no go” zones, areas that are off limits to non-Muslims. These zones function as […]

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5 Unexpected Places You Can Be Tracked With Facial Recognition Technology

Earlier this summer Facebook rolled out facial recognition software that identifies users even when they appear in untagged photos. Like every other time the social networking site has introduced a creepy, invasive new feature, they made it the default setting without telling anyone. Once people realized that Facebook was basically harvesting biometric data, the usual […]

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Scribecast: Meet the Montana Mother Who Hunted Terrorists After 9/11

Shannen Rossmiller doesn’t look like your typical Islamic terrorist. But somehow the blonde mother of three from Montana figured out a way to fit in, posing a terrorist in jihadist chat rooms to help law enforcement hunt enemies of America. Ten years after 9/11 inspired her to study Islamic culture and teach herself Arabic, Rossmiller […]

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No Blank Checks for FEMA

Heritage’s Jim Carafano appeared on CBS’s “Early Show” to discuss the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) wanting a blank check. FEMA says it has too little money in the Disaster Relief Fund (DRF) due to its federalizing a record number of natural disasters this year. (Watch the video here.) As Carafano notes, FEMA needs to […]

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