White House Mischief: Obama Administration’s Deceitful Policies & Deceptive Practices Exposed

by Daniel Pipes The Washington Times August 16, 2011 The White House engaged in two furtive gambits last week that painfully exposed the Obama administration’s amateurish, deceitful Middle East-Islamic policies. The first case concerned the thorny issue of Jerusalem’s legal status in American law. In 1947, the United Nations ruled the holy city to be […]

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Secretaries of State, Defense Acknowledge Entitlement Spending Crisis

During a joint press event today in Washington, the Secretaries of Defense and State agreed that politicians must tackle the elephant in the room to reduce America’s crushing debt: mandatory spending on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, which account for more than 60 percent of the entire federal budget. As the Secretaries correctly suggest, America […]

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Is Obama an Undocumented Worker? Evidence of Possible Criminal Use of a Connecticut SSN Develops

In January of this year, former Hawaii elections clerk Tim Adams signed an affidavit swearing he was told by his supervisors in Hawaii that no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Barack Obama Jr. in Hawaii and that neither Queens Medical Center nor Kapi’olani Medical Center in Honolulu had any record of Obama having been […]

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Gingrich Outlines Objections to ‘Super Committee’ at Heritage Event

Former Speaker of the House and Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich on Tuesday outlined what he believes are the major problems with the congressional “Super Committee” that will devise a deal to cut the federal budget in the coming months. Gingrich, speaking at the Heritage Foundation, broke the problems down into three categories: constitutional, intellectual, […]

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UK Riots Expose Media Muck

The riots afflicting London and other parts of the UK have made headline news around the world. What has this got to do with coverage of the Middle East however? Often, anti-Israel bias or activism is but one part of an individual’s or even a media outlet’s overall world view or political slant. While reserving […]

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News Flash: Pakistan is NOT a U.S. Ally

U.S. media commentators acted with surprise about reports that Pakistani officials may have given the Chinese access to the downed helicopter left behind in Pakistan following the May 2 Osama bin Laden raid. What is more surprising is that some media outlets still refer to Pakistan as a U.S. “ally” in the fight against terrorism. […]

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Obama Donor Gets Plum Appointment on Federal Health IT Advisory Panel

A major donor to the Democratic Party has received favorable treatment from the Obama administration, including a choice appointment to a federal advisory committee, and lavish praise from the president himself. Yet health information technology vendor Epic Systems Corp. opposes a key administration position on health IT. Its founder, Judith Faulkner, has spoken out on […]

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International Freedom Alliance Coming Soon

Geert Wilder Is Forming the International Freedom Alliance to stop all Muslim Immigration to the Western Democracies stop mosque building and close all islamic schools preaching hatred toward the west. Mr Wilders will launch the movement later this year in five countries: the United States, Canada, France, Germany and Britain. [youtube f-nWvtEQi6A nolink]

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