Washington in a Flash: Obama’s NLRB Comes Under the Microscope

The House Committee on Education and the Workforce holds a hearing today in response to the National Labor Relations Board’s recent proposal to dramatically alter union election procedures. “Rushing Union Elections: Protecting the Interests of Big Labor at the Expense of Workers’ Free Choice” begins at 10 a.m. Expect the hearing to reveal the potential […]

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Middle East Studies in Upheaval

by Daniel Pipes National Review Online July 5, 2011 The troubled academic study of the Middle East and Islam by Americans is changing in fundamental ways. I offer some thoughts based on 42 years of personal observation: From Western offence to Islamic offence: Muslim relations with Christians divide into four long periods: from Muhammad’s hijra […]

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Chicago-Style Politics on Twitter: How the White House Uses Social Media

President Obama takes questions later today at the first-ever Twitter town hall. This high-profile event is yet another example of the White House’s embrace of social media to communicate directly with Americans But behind the scenes, there’s another story unfolding about the Obama administration’s use of Twitter. For some White House staffers, it’s a way […]

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London Celebrates Ronald Reagan’s Legacy on Independence Day

London today celebrated Ronald Reagan’s 100th birthday and his role in bringing down the Iron Curtain with the unveiling of a 10-foot bronze statue of the former President at the U.S. Embassy in England. British Foreign Secretary William Hague and former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice spoke at the event, which drew a crowd of 2,000. Reagan’s statue will stand alongside those of former Presidents Dwight […]

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Five Great Virtues that Make Americans Amazing

On the day when everyone celebrates America and the glorious document that justifies its existence, I’d like to offer three cheers for the amazing Americans who make up this great country. After all, we revere the principles of the Declaration of Independence because they give rise, when applied, to a nation of self-reliant, generous, hard-working […]

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Happy Birthday Calvin Coolidge

America’s birthday is also that of Calvin Coolidge, the only president born on the Fourth of July. Though best remembered as “Silent Cal,” Coolidge is one of the most eloquent defenders of America’s principles. And the Declaration of Independence received his highest praise: “If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are […]

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