Dimona In Muslim IAEA Delegates Crosshairs, Again

Arab countries plan to demand more robust safety regulations on nuclear facilities worldwide, with a particular focus on reactors in the Middle East, Arab Times reports. The push is expected to come at the upcoming International Nuclear Safety Conference in Vienna on Monday. Sources at International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said Arab energy and power […]

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IDFs Cyber-Commander Prepares Internet Assault

“Computers and keyboards are the weapons, Facebook and Twitter are the battlefields. It is there that we fight, each and every day.” The fighting words come from First Lieutenant Sasha Dratwa, 25, who heads IDF’s elite “new media” unit. Dratwa, who replaced Lt. Aliza Landes, ws interviewed by Jonatan Urich in the IDF’s website. Dratwa […]

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Beware of Palestinian Authority Leaders Bearing Gifts?

A member of the Palestinian Authority recently placed a surprising order at a retail outlet of the ‘Hatzorfim’ silver Judaica ornament factory, according to Arutz Sheva Hebrew site.. He requested two prestigious gifts of silver and crystal,  saying that one was chosen as a farewell gift to ex-ISA (Israel Security Agency) head Yuval Diskin, and one as a welcoming […]

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A Little Drama in Defense of Marriage Is No Vice

Struck by the rapid disintegration of the family in American life, Heritage’s Chuck Donovan recently called for a “Marshall Plan for Marriage” to rebuild the traditional institution and re-establish its importance. In an interview with National Review Online’s Kathryn Jean Lopez posted today, Donovan talks candidly about why this work is crucial to the nation’s […]

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Libya Coverage Exposes Media Double Standards

Libya Coverage Exposes Media Double Standards With the turmoil and upheaval in the Middle East, it is always interesting to examine how the media is covering events compared with coverage of Israel. Particularly in a situation where Western nations are involved in a military campaign, as in the case of Libya, it can be enlightening […]

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Obamacare: Bad Sixth Circuit Decision Assures Supreme Court Review in the Fall

Today, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a decision upholding Obamacare against a constitutional challenge. While this is disappointing, there are several reasons to believe that this flawed decision is not predictive of how the Supreme Court will rule. In recent years, the Sixth Circuit has achieved a growing reputation for not just reversals, […]

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Two Cheers for the Coburn–Lieberman Medicare Proposal

Senators Tom Coburn (R–OK) and Joseph Lieberman (I–CT) unveiled a major Medicare proposal. Based on preliminary estimates provided by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the proposal would reduce total Medicare spending by more than $600 billion in the next 10 years and cut the program’s long-term (75-year) unfunded liability by approximately $10 trillion. This is […]

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Chemical Industry Fears Job Losses If Congress Subsidizes Natural Gas Cars

America’s chemical industry is one of the biggest consumers of natural gas. But it is stridently opposed to government interference and taxpayer-funded subsidies for the production, use and purchase of natural gas vehicles. American Chemical Council chief executive Cal Dooley, a former Democratic congressman from California, spoke at today’s Bloggers Briefing about the organization’s criticism […]

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